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四川什邡县委、县政府、县人武部,认真贯彻落实《爱国主义教育实施纲要》和《四川省国防教育大钢》,使8月份全民国防教育月活动形式多样,生动扎实。 一是组织全县历任武装干部169人,参加纪念抗日战争胜利50周年大会,请抗战老战士讲述抗战胜利的光荣历史,武装干部弘扬爱国主义精神,立足本职,为两个文明建设和后备力量建设做贡献的思想意识有所增强。 二是组织县委、人大、政府、政协领导68人到驻 The Shifang County Committee, County Government and County People’s Armed Forces in Sichuan Province earnestly implemented the “Outline for the Implementation of Patriotism Education and the” Steel of National Defense Education in Sichuan Province "so that the monthly national defense education month in August will take various forms and will be vivid and lively. First, 169 county-level armed cadres were organized to participate in the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. They asked the anti-Japanese war criminals to describe the glorious history of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Armed cadres carried forward the spirit of patriotism and set themselves the foundation for their own civilized construction and reserve forces. Contribution to improve the ideology. The second is to organize the county party committee, NPC, government, CPPCC leadership 68 people to the station
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紧张的期末考试结束了,爸爸、妈妈与我分析了这学期的进步与不足,同时也给我带来了一份惊喜——去云南旅游,游玩丽江、香格里拉和玉龙雪山。 Tense end of the exam is over
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对于孩子来说,做事有条理是非常重要的,不仅可以有条不紊地处理事情,而且能很好地料理自己的生活、学习和工作,甚至成功规划自己的人生。 It is important for children to