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不少教师受应试作文的长期影响,开始追求各种套路,希望花最少的力气换取更高的分数,这种急功近利的做法已经把写作的基本常识颠覆。学生的作文要么无话可说,无事可讲,平淡而寡味;要么“优美而诗意的开头”“深刻而隽永”的结尾,总要试图用一两段“漂亮话”征服阅卷教师。如何在当今学生作业多、实践少、阅读匮乏的形势下,利用有限的写作教学时间,帮助学生树立起正确的表达观,成为了语文教师的当务之急?笔者从以下几个方面做了些思考。一、好文采=华丽辞藻笔者曾经在厦门中考作文中“试水”了一次。作文话题是 Many teachers, influenced by the long-term impact of their essay writing, began to pursue various routines in the hope of spending a minimum amount of effort in exchange for higher scores. This quick success has subverted the basic common sense of writing. The student’s essay either has nothing to say, nothing can be said, flat and oligarchic; or “beautiful and poetic beginning ” “deep and meaningful ” end, always try to use one or two “beautiful words Conquer the marking teacher. How to help students establish a correct view of expression by using the limited teaching time of writing and becoming a top priority for Chinese teachers under the current situation of students having more homework, less practice and less reading? The author has made some reflections in the following aspects. First, good writing = gorgeous rhetoric I used to be in the Xiamen essay test ”test water " again. Writing topic is
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