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谈到草甘膦,农资行业都不陌生。氨基酸,公众也知道。但这两种物质间有一段渊源却并不为人所知。草甘膦的发现,是源于一种氨基酸的合成。1950年,瑞士一家名为Cillag的医药公司的工程师Henri Martin首次合成出了一种名为N-(膦酰基甲基)甘氨酸的化合物,但并没有发现其药物开发价值。20世纪60年代,孟山都公司在开发水软化剂的过程中合成了100多个氨基甲基膦酸类化合物,令人意外的是,当对这种氨基酸化合物进行除草活性筛选时,发现其中两个化合物有除草活性,但是除草活性很低,不足以开发成除草剂。Hamm和Franz两位博士在1970年合成了N-(膦酰基甲基)甘氨 Speaking of glyphosate, agricultural industry are no strangers. Amino acids, the public also know. However, there is a long history of ignorance of the two substances. The discovery of glyphosate is due to the synthesis of an amino acid. In 1950, Henri Martin, an engineer at a Swiss pharmaceutical company called Cillag, first synthesized a compound called N- (phosphonomethyl) glycine but found no drug development. In the 1960s, Monsanto synthesized over 100 aminomethylphosphonates in the development of water softeners. Surprisingly, when this amino acid compound was screened for its herbicidal activity, two The compounds have herbicidal activity, but the herbicidal activity is low enough to develop into herbicides. Dr. Hamm and Franz synthesized N- (phosphonomethyl) glycine in 1970
First cationic 6-quinolyl substituted dithiaporphyrin was synthesized using Skraup quinoline methodology from thiaporphyrin bearing 4-acetamidophenyl prepared b
Nitriles were unexpectedly trimerized into s-triazines or amino-pyrimidines in high yields in the presence of catalytic amount of Li3N, resulting in a simple,
患者男52岁住院号91—1669 于91年8月21日,突然反应迟钝,近事遗忘,入内科住院。患者失去以往规律性和连贯性,自己不知做什么,行为目的语言不能表达。体温、脉搏和呼吸均正常
The nucleophilic displacement reaction of n-bromooctane and potassium iodide in ionic liquid based on cyclic guanidinium cation(2) was investigated. The kinetic
分析了锥形起重电机定子壳的工艺特点,设计了挤压铸造模具,分析了模具的设计要点和挤压铸造工艺参数。 The technological characteristics of stator shell of cone hoisti