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各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市及新疆生产建设兵团商务主管部门,哈尔滨、长春、沈阳、西安、南京、武汉、成都、广州市商务主管部门,中国国际电子商务中心: Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate planning, and Xinjiang Commercial and Construction Corps competent commercial departments, Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, Xi’an, Nanjing, Wuhan, Chengdu, Guangzhou, commerce authorities, China International Electronic Commerce Center:
1.他的叔叔是个盲人。His uncle is blind./Hisuncle is a blind man. 2.格林太太是个瘸子。Mrs Green is lame./MrsGreen is a lame woman. 1. His uncle is blind. His u
Boy Girl(Boy’s little sister)Ice Sun Cloud WindHill Mouse Snake Eagle FireTime: Early in the morning on a winter day.Place: A field at the foot of a hill.(Ice
1、It’s nice and cool under the tree.误:树下又好又凉爽正:树下非常凉爽。析:“nice(good,fine)+and+形容词”是一个 1. It’s nice and cool under the tree. Wrong:
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1、Vocabulary:先生 xiān sheng mister; Mr; Sir; gentleman 女士 nǚ shì madam; lady; Ms 小姐 xiǎo jiě miss; young lady 夫人 fū rén Mrs.; madame; lady 1. M
嫩江县铁西学校是2004年9月由原齐铁分局嫩江铁路中学、嫩江铁路小学合并后移交嫩江县人民政府的 The Tiexi County Tiexi School was transferred to the Nenjiang County
“当中国的光伏发电成本降到每度电2元以下时,中国政府很可能会介入,再加上中国西北地区孕育着的巨大的光能资源,中国的太阳能电池市场在2010年后会有一个跳跃的过程。” “