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中国法律史学科自近代以来一直放在法学之下,有学科性质的原因,也有历史的原因。中华法系问题为中国法律史学科的核心问题,现阶段的主要研究是历时状态下中国法的特殊性。中国古代法体系的性质,现在形成了四种代表学说,即“诸法并用”、“律令(例)体系”、“德主刑辅”和“伦理法”。各学说之间尚有打通的可能性和必要,现有学说也尚未正面回答传统法体系是否死亡的问题。中国法律史研究在将来的突破,除了在法体系上继续用功之外,还需把解释制度变迁作为中心任务,将研究下限延展至现当代,并深入裁判史、赋役史、财政史等以前较为忽视的领域。 History of Chinese law has been placed under the law since modern times, the nature of the discipline, but also the reasons for history. The Chinese legal system is the core issue of the history of Chinese legal history. The main research at this stage is the particularity of the Chinese law under the state of lapse. The nature of the ancient Chinese legal system now forms four kinds of representative theories, that is, the combination of all kinds of law and practice, the system of law and order, the supplement of moral punishment and the ethical law. There is still a possibility and need to get through between the various theories. The existing theories have not yet answered the question of whether the traditional legal system is dead or not. In the future breakthroughs in the study of Chinese legal history, in addition to continuing to work hard in the legal system, it is also necessary to interpret institutional changes as the central task and to extend the lower limit of research to modern and contemporary times and to go deeper into the areas of refereeing history, corps of ordination, and fiscal history, Neglected areas.
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