关注时事热点 成就考场之王

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原则上讲,高考作文命题会有意回避时事热点,这样做,既有避免猜题押宝的意图,也有出于杜绝假话、空话、套话的考虑。但根据对近几年高考作文试题命题方向的研究与分析,我们发现,高考作文命题专家越来越倾向于在试题中暗含时事热点,以引起学生对社会、人生的关注,进而考查学生由表及里或透过现象看本质地认识问题和分析问题的能力。例如2008年高考全国卷Ⅰ的“汶川大地震”材料作文、四川卷的“坚强”话题作文,2009年高考天津卷的“我说90后”话题作文、江西卷的“兽首拍卖”材料作文、辽宁卷的“名人代言”材料作文,2010年高考全国卷Ⅱ的“浅阅读”材料作文、江苏卷的“绿色生活”命题作文,2011年高考全国卷的“最诚信的彩票店业主”材料作文、新课标卷的“中国崛起”材料作文、北京卷的“鹿特丹世乒赛后的讨论”材料作文等,都是紧扣时代脉搏,直击时事热点的 In principle, the college entrance essay thesis will deliberately avoid current hot spots, in doing so, both to avoid the guess guess bet, but also for the sake of putting an end to lie, empty talk, set of words to consider. However, according to the research and analysis of the proposition direction of college entrance essay exams in recent years, we find that college entrance essay proposition experts are increasingly inclined to imply current events in exam questions to arouse students’ attention to society and life, The ability to understand problems and analyze problems by themselves or through phenomena. For example, in the 2008 national college entrance examination volume I “Wenchuan earthquake ” material composition, Sichuan volume “strong ” topic essay, 2009 college entrance examination in Tianjin volume “I say 90 ” topic essay, “Animal auction” material composition, Liaoning volume “celebrity endorsement” material composition, the 2010 college entrance examination of the national volume Ⅱ “shallow reading ” material composition, Jiangsu volume “green life ” proposition composition, 2011 National college entrance examination of the national volume “The most honest lottery shop owner ” material composition, the new curriculum standard “Chinese rise ” material composition, Beijing volume “Rotterdam after the World Table Tennis Championships discussion ” material composition, Are closely linked to the pulse of the times, direct hit current events
有资料表明大多数老年人中风发生在秋季。秋季天气变冷是诱发脑血管疾病的因素之一。 Data show that the majority of the elderly stroke occurs in autumn. Fall cold w