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2004年以来,以纪念中国电影100周年为契机,中国电影史研究在“重写”口号下一度出现了颇为繁荣热闹的新局面。与此同时,最近十多年来许多高校也相继开设了影视学院、影视系或影视专业,中国电影史成为这些教学机构课程体系中不可或缺的部分。可以说,在新世纪的第一个十年间,中国电影史学研究获得了一个富有生气的发展新契机。然而,由于各种原因,以100周年的电影史写作为代表的中国电影史学研究还存在着许多问题,全国高校的电影史教学与研究也亟待突破瓶颈。如何既要摆脱应景浮躁的心态、安于寂寞做扎扎实实的史学研究,又要解放思想创新观念、破除因循守旧的体学藩篱,使“重写”成为一种真正的学术精神与追求,进而全面提升中国电影史学研究水平,成为摆在电影史学研究者面前的一个重要课题。为此,本刊邀请目前活跃在电影史学研究领域的一批老中青学者,就中国电影史研究的重构与发展等问题展开深入的讨论。希望这些探讨与分析能为当前的电影史学研究提供新的思路和启发。 Since 2004, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Chinese film as an opportunity, the study of the history of Chinese movie history appeared quite prosperous and livelier under the slogan of “rewriting”. In the meantime, many colleges and universities in recent ten years have successively set up film and television colleges, film and television programs, film and television programs, and the history of Chinese films has become an indispensable part of the curricula of these teaching institutions. It can be said that in the first decade of the new century, the study of Chinese film history has gained a new and promising opportunity for development. However, due to various reasons, there are still many problems in the study of Chinese film historiography represented by the 100th anniversary film history writing. The teaching and research of movie history in universities across the country also needs to break through the bottleneck. How to get rid of the impatient mentality of being impatient, settling in loneliness and performing a solid historical study, emancipating the ideological and innovative concepts, breaking away from the obsolete body science barriers and making “rewriting ” become a real academic spirit and pursuit , And then to enhance the research level of Chinese film history in an all-round way has become an important topic before film historians. To this end, the magazine invited the current active in the field of film history of a group of old and young scholars on the history of Chinese film reconstruction and development and other issues in-depth discussion. Hope that these discussions and analysis can provide new ideas and inspiration for the current study of film history.