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北京市交通学校是一所全日制工科中等专业学校。1960年建校以来,已毕业16届2320名学生,其中绝大多数已成为首都交通运输行业的生产技术和管理骨干,有的已走上领导岗位。近年来,一些青年人政治淡漠,不求进取,要求入党入团人数下降的现实,引起学校党总支的高度重视。他们认为学校作为育人基地,在培养学生掌握科学文化知识的同时,必须引导他们树立正确的人生观,使他们成为革命事业的接班人。为此,党总支做出4项决定:1、加强学校共青团组织建设,选派政治上优秀、有一定工作能力和专业水平的优秀青年教师,担任团委书记,明确共青团组织向党组织推荐优秀团员、青年的职责。2、培养、教育、发展的重点放在三、四年级在校生中,同时确定专业党支部为责任单位,并由该支部制定工作目标和具体措施。3、成立青年业余党校。4、责成党办、马列主义教研室负责指导学生马列主义学习小组的活动。1991年,学校成立了青年业余党校。党总支书记李玉璞说:“我们开办业余党校,不仅仅为发展几个学生入党,更重要的是让更多的学生了解党、热爱党,培养他们对党的深厚感情和对党的事业的关心与忠诚,为他们今后的政治生活打下基础。”为使在校生从一年级入学到四年级毕业, Beijing Traffic School is a full-time engineering secondary specialized school. Since its establishment in 1960, it has graduated 1623 students of 2320, of which the overwhelming majority have become the production technology and management backbone of the capital’s transportation industry. Some have taken the leadership positions. In recent years, the fact that some young people are indifferent and unsympathetic and require the number of people joining the party to join the party to decline has drawn great attention from the general party branches of the school. They think that as a base for educating people, schools should cultivate students’ knowledge of science and culture and at the same time they must guide them to establish a correct outlook on life and make them successors to the revolutionary cause. To this end, the party branch made four decisions: 1, to strengthen the construction of school youth league organizations, selected excellent politically excellent, have a certain ability and professional level outstanding young teachers, served as secretary of the Communist Youth League, a clear Communist Youth League organizations to recommend outstanding members of the party Young people’s responsibilities. 2, training, education and development focus on the third and fourth grade students, at the same time determine the professional party branch as the responsible unit, and by the branch to work out goals and specific measures. 3, set up a youth amateur party school. 4, to blame the party-run, Marxism-Leninism teaching and research department is responsible for guiding students to study Marxism-Leninism team activities. In 1991, the school set up a young amateur party school. Party branch secretary Li Yupu said: “We started amateur schools, not only for the development of several students to join the party, but more importantly let more students understand the party, love the party, cultivate their deep feelings towards the party and the party’s cause Care and loyalty to lay the groundwork for their future political life. ”" To enable students to graduate from the first grade to the fourth grade,
研究背景及研究目的:新经济时代的到来使注册会计师职业的生存环境发生了巨大变化,安然事件的爆发、美国Sarbanes Oxley Act法案(以下简称SOA法案)的颁布使其生存环境越来越严峻。公众对独立性的要求限制了注册会计师咨询服务的开展,而传统审计服务不仅面临着高风险,而且日益激烈的竞争使其边际利润不断减少。注册会计师职业走出冰川时代的关键在于如何拓展其业务范围,大胆进行业务创新。1、国际注册会
在动态复杂的环境下,企业应当树立什么样的经营理念,采取何种经营机制、何种管理技术获取竞争优势。实现可持续发展,日益成为企业立足市场、求得生存和发展的迫切课题。同时,价值工程(简称VE)作为现代思想方法和管理技术,应用领域不断扩充,出现了不少以企业管理为研究对象的优秀成果。在此背景下,本文把价值工程运用于企业竞争优势构造,试图构造一个以功能为导向的竞争优势构造模式。 论文共分为六章。第一章阐述