A slot microring sensor with feedback spiral waveguide for trace gas CH4 sensing in mid-infrared reg

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In this paper, a slot microring resonator with a piece of spiral feedback waveguide for CH4 sensing application is pro-posed. This sensor is based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate and with the operation wavelength in mid-infrared region. To reach high sensitivity and good selectivity, slot cross section and spiral feedback waveguide are carefully tailored. The sensor shows ppb-scale trace gas sensing potential and is easy to be packaged in integrated photonics circuits. Calculation results show that the sensitivity reaches 1.4×10-2 dB/ppm and the detection limit achieves 700 ppb in the case of Lspiral=100Lr.
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在光子相关光谱(PCS)颗粒测量技术中非线性累积反演方法是一种重要的算法。采用无约束非线性优化算法对反演过程中相关曲线的拟合问题进行了分析和研究, 实现了从任意初始值开始获取最优非线性拟合解, 并给出了算法的实现步骤。采用此方法对50 nm, 100 nm, 200 nm和500 nm的标准聚苯乙烯乳胶颗粒的实测光强自相关函数数据进行了拟合, 并反演了颗粒粒径, 与其他曲线拟合算法相比, 本算法不但对初始值的依赖性小, 而且得到的颗粒粒径更接近乳胶颗粒的标称直径, 测量误差更小。
针对多角度偏振成像仪探测器光电性能的评估需求,研制一套图像传感器光电性能参数通用测试系统,并提出一种基于珀耳帖效应的热电制冷器和低温循环机相组合的探测器控温方法。实验结果表明积分球的光源稳定性为0.036%,照度均匀度≥99.3%,探测器制冷系统降温速率约为2.2 ℃/min,温控精度优于±0.15 ℃,实现在-10~25 ℃的工作温度范围内对量子效率、光响应不一致性、暗电流、满阱电荷和光响应非线性等关键性能参数的测量,多角度偏振成像仪探测器不同波长下的光响应不一致性优于3%,光响应非线性优于1%,工作温
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