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台灯柔和清亮的辉光流淌在桌上,映照着那叠厚厚的不同墨迹的文稿。窗外,是都市静谧夜空,街上的路灯与远处高楼里透出的灯光相映成辉,那是城市夜晚醒着的眼睛……我知道,这样的夜晚,城市醒着就如我此刻澄明清晰的思绪—— 特别的夜晚,摊开那不同内容,风格迥异的稿子,精读那熟悉的字迹,但觉手中捧着的是缕缕诚挚的友情。这些年来结识的朋友,穿越边疆北国、江南水乡的时空,——出现在眼前。尽管我们不曾谋面,但彼此的情相牵,心相连……有人说,一本杂志是由作者、编者、读者共同撑起的一片生命的蔚蓝。作为《湖南消防》杂志的编辑,我们更倍觉每一位作者、读者给了她悉心的支持与呵护!在她的身后,留下了一串串或深或浅的脚印,写满了我们一起走过的每个日子,那亦是每一位消防人执着而充满信心的脚步! 十七年,在历史长河中不算长,但对一个刊物来说,也不算短,就一个人而言,他从婴儿到现在,已成长为一英俊少年了。《湖南消防》杂志历经成长中的风风雨雨,现在也已是风华正茂的英俊少年,不,确切地说,应该是一个亭亭玉立、婀娜多姿的美少女! The gentle, bright glow of the lamp flows on the table, reflecting the stack of thick, different-ink documents. Outside the window, the city is a quiet night sky, the street lights and the lights shining in the distant buildings shining, it is the city night awake eyes ... I know, such a night, the city awake as I now clear and clear Thoughts - special night, spread out that different content, different styles of manuscripts, read the familiar handwriting, but the feel of holding hands is a sincere friendship. The friends we have met over the years, through the northern frontiers of the border areas and the time and space of the Jiangnan Water Village, appear in front of us. Although we have never met each other, they are connected with each other’s emotions ... Some people say that a magazine is a lifelong blue that is co-sponsored by the author, editor and reader. As the editor of “Hunan Fire” magazine, we even more feel every one of the authors and readers give her the careful support and care! In her behind, leaving a string or deep or shallow footprints, filled us Every day we walked together, that is the persistent and confident footsteps of every fireman. For seventeen years, it is not long in history, but not too short for a journal, In terms of words, he has grown from a baby to the present, has grown into a handsome boy. “Hunan Fire” magazine after the ups and downs of growth, and now is also a handsome young boy, not, precisely, should be a slim, graceful beauty girl!
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