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解脱西风,残阳。一人一牛,缓行在漫漫古道上。前方,西边大漠的朔风猎猎。这是一头青牛,年岁已经不小却仍很健壮。牛背上的是一名老者。老者已经很老了。他须发皆白,面相奇绝。前额宽大,高高地向前耸着,长长的白眉毛从脸侧垂下,圆圆的脸上满是皱纹。他的眼睛被耷拉着的眼皮挤成了一条缝,射出的眼神却平静如水,一副参透世间智慧的样子。西方的落日打在老者青白色的长袍上,一人一牛宛如一尊缓行着的雕像。老者是个哲人。他向往清静无为的哲学,潇洒了大半辈子,近来却发现自己潇 Solve westerly, residual sun. One cow, slow in the long trail. In front of the westerly desert hunting in the west. This is a green cow, age is not small but still very strong. Cow is an old man on the back. The old man is very old. He must be made all white, face incomparable. Large forehead, towering forward tall, long white eyebrows hanging down from the face, round face full of wrinkles. His eyes were squeezed into a slit by the eyelids, and his eyes were calm, like water, a way of seeing through the wisdom of the world. Western sunset hit the old man in a white robe, a man like a statue of slow walking. The old man is a philosopher. He yearned for a quiet philosophy, carefree for most of his life, but recently found himself Xiao
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