About an important problem in a melter-gasifier

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:f805616873
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Metallization degree of DRI(R_m) reduces with rising oxidization degree of reduction gas(r_o) and oxidization degree of reduction gas rises with falling metallization degree of DRI.This is a vicious circle exists in present operation of C3000.Fuel consumption(r_F) in Corex increases with falling R_m and decreases with rising r_o. However,r_F obviously increases with the integrated change of R_m and r_o.To increase R_m and decrease r_F,an analysis on energy consumption and its distribution was deployed in this paper.According to the results,proposal was tabled based on decreasing char bed height. Metallization degree of DRI (R_m) reduces with rising oxidization degree of reduction gas (r_o) and oxidization degree of reduction gas rises with falling metallization degree of DRI.This is a vicious circle exists in present operation of C3000.Fuel consumption (r_F) in Corex increases with falling R_m and decreases with rising r_o. However, r_F arrest increases with the integrated change of R_m and r_o.To increase R_m and decrease r_F, an analysis on energy consumption and its distribution was deployed in this paper. According to the results , proposal was tabled based on decreasing char bed height.
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