
来源 :中国司法鉴定 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:berry909
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进一步规范诉讼外法医学鉴定取证制度 要作出科学的法医学鉴定,就必须全面地掌握有关材料,收集这些材料的过程即为取证。规范取证的制度,即规范取证中参与人行为的制度就是取证制度。进入诉讼后,相应机关或部门委托鉴定人进行法医学鉴定,此时的鉴定作为某一具体诉讼的组成部分,此时的取证也就自然由相应的诉讼程序来规范。然而在实践中,法医学鉴定绝大多数发生在诉讼程序之外即诉讼外鉴定。它或先鉴定后起诉;或只鉴定不起诉,这种情况占诉讼外法医学鉴定的绝大多数,以鉴定结论为依据采取简捷的庭外调解方式解决纠纷。在实际生活里诉讼中鉴定的机率极少,只有极少数涉及人身伤害的公诉案件才在立案后进行鉴定。 To further standardize forensic forensic forensic forensic system to make scientific forensic identification, we must fully grasp the relevant materials, collection of these materials is the process of obtaining evidence. The system of standardizing the evidence collection, that is, the system of standardizing the participants’ behavior in the evidence collection, is the collection system. After entering the lawsuit, the corresponding organ or department entrusts the appraiser to carry out the forensic appraisal. At this time, the appraisal as an integral part of a specific lawsuit is naturally regulated by the corresponding lawsuit procedure. However, in practice, the vast majority of forensic identification occurs outside of the litigation process, ie litigation identification. It is either first identified after the prosecution; or only to identify non-prosecution, this situation accounted for the overwhelming majority of forensic identification, based on the conclusions of the identification of simple out-of-court mediation to resolve disputes. In real life litigation in the probability of identification is very small, only a very small number of cases of public prosecution involving personal injury before the appraisal.
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