尘肺病是职业病中最严重的、发病人数最多的疾病之一 ,占职业病之首。诊断为尘肺病 ,其病人 (或家属 )会享受国家 (及企业 )给予的职业病待遇或以外的待遇。但是 ,尘肺病的诊断是很严谨的 ,是由专门的机构及组织根据诊断标准和诊断原则按照法定的程序进行的 ,不是象各医院诊断?
Pneumoconiosis is one of the most serious occupational diseases and one of the most frequently occurring diseases, occupying the first place of occupational diseases. Diagnosis of pneumoconiosis, the patient (or family) will enjoy the country (and business) given the treatment of occupational diseases or other treatment. However, the diagnosis of pneumoconiosis is very rigorous. It is conducted by the specialized agencies and organizations in accordance with the statutory procedures based on the diagnostic criteria and diagnostic principles. Is it not like hospitals diagnose?