Relativistic description of single-particle resonances via phase shift analysis

来源 :中国物理C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwqwqw66
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Single-particle resonant states in spherical nuclei are studied by the real stabilization method in coordinate space within the framework of self-consistent relativistic mean field theory. Taking 122Zr as an example, the resonant parameters, including the energies and widths are extracted by fitting energy and phase shift. Good agreement with the previous calculations has been found. The details of single-particle resonant states are analysed. Single-particle resonant states in spherical nuclei are studied by the real stabilization method in coordinate space within the framework of self-consistent relativistic mean field theory. Taking 122Zr as an example, the resonant parameters, including the energies and widths are extracted by fitting energy and phase shift. Good agreement with the previous calculations has been found. The details of single-particle resonant states are analysed.
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