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  Thinking about the topic
  a) Have you heard of Craig Kielburger and the FTC organization?
  b) Do you care about the lives of other people of your age, who live in poverty, suffer from disease, lack education and are even forced into child labor? And have you ever tried to do something to help them?
  c) How, do you think, young people would be able to make a difference in the world? What does “being active citizens”mean to you?
  但是一个加拿大男孩却做到了;他就是Craig Kielburger。下面就让我们一起走近本期的主角—齐尔伯格,在他的故事里找寻答案。
  I was 12 years old when I first became involved in the human rights movement. One morning, when I was getting ready for school, I began to search for the comics section of the newspaper. On the front page was the picture of a young boy from Pakistan who had been sold into slavery as a carpet weaver when he was four years old. According to the story, he worked 12 hours a day tying tiny knots, to make carpets. He lost his freedom to laugh and to play. He lost his freedom to go to school. When he was 12 years old, same age as myself at the time, he was murdered. I had never heard about child labor, and the difference in our lives shocked me. I was able to relate to him because we were both of the same age.
  I went to school with the article in hand and asked my classmates for help. Ten of my friends, all 12 years old at the time, gathered at my home over pizza, and we dreamed up this crazy idea to start an organization called 1)Kids Can Free The Children, made up entirely of children and youth. Our goal was not only to free children from the yoke of child labor and
  2)exploitation, but also to free them from the idea that we were powerless and could not change the world.
  When I meet a child I make a silent promise. We cannot help every child, but I will share their story with other young people back home and call them to action. Also, we have seen amazing changes over the past eight years. We have grown from a small group of 12-year-olds into an international network of children helping children, active in more than 30 countries. Our young people have made presentations before well over a million people-Congressional hearings in Washington, international gatherings of lawyers and judges, educators and business groups, unions and students from elementary to university level-0n children’s rights. Through the 3)combined efforts of our members, money has been raised to build 350 primary schools, providing education to 20,000 children daily. We have built three 4)rehabilitation centers and several medical clinics for children in the developing world. Our young people have put together more than 100,000 school kits and shipped 2.5 million US dollars worth of medical supplies to families in the developing world. They have helped to establish alternative income programs for families, to spare their children from 5)hazardous work and allow them to go to school.

  Craig在自己参与编著的《Take Action!》 一书中,号召青少年积极行使各自的公民权和义务:
   Active citizenship is being a leader of today! Most young people are told that they have to graduate, become “successful”and get a good job before they can affect change in our world. But instead, that merely teaches young people to be 6)apathetic, to grow up learning to be 7)bystanders, closing their eyes, and becoming 8)immune to what is happening to people in the world around us. Parents, teachers and adults have a choice. We can be taught that, as young people we do not have the 9)civic responsibility to act. Or, we can be taught to participate, to believe, that our voices do count, that we are important and that we can help to bring about change.

  Work in groups: “H ow did you feel when you heard the incredible story of Craig Keilbergur? What do you think we as young people can do to help children and people in need, and try to change the world for better? “
  2. Summarize the effective ideas of your group, and make a plan to take action now.
  a) Gather support from faculty, students and other schools in your community and band together to raise funds for a “friendship school”in another country. It costs about 5,000-7,000 dollars to build a school in countries such as Nicaragua, India or Haiti. The United Nations, governments and aid groups agree that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and providing children with a brighter future!
  b) Volunteer for work overseas. Every summer oursister organization, Leaders Today, organizes volunteer trips for young people (12-25) to spent 10-30 days in India, Kenya, Nicaragua, Haiti, Ecuador and Thailand, teaching English, working in a medical clinic, or help build a school!
  c) Start a Free The Children chapter in your school. It costs nothing, and the only requirement is a desire to help improve the world! We’ll send you updates and action packages-just add energy and passion!
  a) 从你所在社区的教师、学生以及其它学校寻求帮助,联合起来为在另一个国家建一所“友好学校”筹集资金。在如尼加拉瓜、印度或海地等国建一所学校需要大约5000至7000美元。联合国、政府和援助组织认为,教育是打破贫困圈和为儿童创造美好未来的关键!
  b) 做海外工作的志愿者。每年夏天,我们的姐妹组织“今日领袖”都会组织12到25岁的志愿者去印度、肯尼亚、尼加拉瓜、海地、厄瓜多尔和泰国工作10到30天,在当地教授英文,为医疗诊所工作或帮助建设学校!
  c) 在你自己的学校里开办一个“解放儿童”组织的分会。这项活动不需要花费什么资金,唯一需要的只是帮助改善世界的愿望。我们会发给你更新资料和行动提议—你只要加上你的精力和热情!
  Know More
  Craig Kielburger, Canadian, now 24, is an accomplished child rights activist, an award-winning author and a popular speaker. He is the founder of Free The Children, the world’s largest network of children helping children through education, which has been nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize and has established partnerships with the United Nations and Oprah’s Angel Network.
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