“一·二八”淞沪抗战 中国并没有失败

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今年是“一·二八”淞沪抗战80年。80年前的1月28日~3月3日,日军进犯上海,中国军队奋起反抗,史称“一·二八”淞沪抗战。历史教科书给人们留下的基本印象是:“一·二八”抗战爆发后,十九路军奋起抗争,最终在日军大量增兵且面临被包抄的危险时,被迫撤至二线;5月5日丧权辱国的《淞沪停战协定》签订,“一·二八”抗战遂以失败告终。事实真的如此吗?最近编者参阅上海淞沪抗战纪念馆的大量史料,以及部分专家学者的观点,认为“一.二八”淞沪抗战中国在战略上是完全胜利了,日本方面的档案资料也显示,日军认为自己是失败方。于2000年1月建成的上海淞沪抗战纪念馆,是一个全面反映抗战时期发生在上海的“一·二八”、“八·一三”淞沪抗战和上海人民14年抗战史实的专题纪念馆。陈列有《抗日战争与上海》、《血沃淞沪——淞沪抗战史实掇英》、《上海郊县抗日武装斗争图片展》、《抗战文化系列——张明曹抗战美术作品展》等展览。今年是“一·二八”淞沪抗战80周年,本刊根据上海淞沪抗战纪念馆的史料编辑整理了《“一·二八”淞沪抗战,中国并没有失败》一稿,供读者参考。 This year is “128” Songhu Shanghai 80 years. 80 years ago from January 28 to March 3, the Japanese army invaded Shanghai and the Chinese armed forces rose in defiance of history, saying it was “one hundred and twenty-eight” of the Songhu Anti-Japanese War. The basic impression left by history textbooks is that after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the 19 Route Army rose to protest and eventually was forced to withdraw to second tier when it was heavily armed and facing the danger of being encroached upon. On May 5, the “Songhu Armistice Agreement” of humiliation and humiliation was signed and the “January 28” war ended in failure. Recently, the editors refer to a large number of historical documents of the Shanghai Songhu Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall, as well as the opinions of some experts and scholars. They think that the “Songshan Anti-Japanese War” in China was a complete victory in strategy. The Japanese archives Information also shows that the Japanese think they are the failure side. The Shanghai Songhu Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall, built in January 2000, is a comprehensive reflection of the history of the Anti-Japanese War in Shanghai and the 14-year war history of the Shanghai people in Shanghai in the War of Resistance Against Japan, “January 28” and “August 13” Thematic memorial hall. Anti-Japanese War and Shanghai “,” Blood Wusong Shanghai - History of Songhu Anti-Japanese War “,” Anti-Japanese War in Shanghai Suburbs Photo Exhibition “,” Anti-Japanese War Series - Zhang Ming Cao Anti-Japanese War Art Exhibition “and so on exhibition. This year marks the 80th anniversary of the ”January 28“ Songhu Anti-Japanese War. According to the historical editors of the Shanghai Songhu Anti-Japanese War Memorial, this magazine compiled a draft entitled ”The Battle of Songhu and Shanghai without Failure" For readers reference.