
来源 :机器人技术与应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gailuen
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编者的话 为了宣传普及有关机器人的知识,面向未来,培养跨世纪的青少年科技人才,并为提高全体国民的科技素质尽点微力,本刊编辑部拟邀请有志于科普教育的机器人专家和研究人员编写《图解机器人问答100则》。内容大致分为6个方面: 一.机器人的一般概念 二.机器人的机械结构和性能 三.机器人的控制和驱动 四.机器人的传感、检测和智能 五.形形色色的机器人及其应用 六.各国机器人发展战略与未来机器人 本期仅作为开头,以后每期连载。热情欢迎广大读者问题、点题,特别欢迎感兴趣的机器人专家和青年科技工作者选题撰写。为避免重复,来稿前请先与编辑部联系商讨您要写的题目。稿件请注意言简意赅,每题千字,图文并茂,语言生动,融知识性与趣味性于一体,以便初中以上程度青少年朋友和一般读者能读懂。 Editor’s Note In order to promote the popularization of robot knowledge, future-oriented, training young people across the century, science and technology personnel, and to enhance the scientific and technical diathesis of all people make a little effort, the editorial department of the magazine intends to invite science-oriented robotics experts and researchers to write “Graphic Robot Q & A 100”. The content is roughly divided into six aspects: 1. The general concept of the robot 2. The mechanical structure and performance of the robot 3. The control and driving of the robot 4. The sensing, detection and intelligence of the robot 5. Various robots and their applications 6. All countries Robot development strategy and the future of the robot this period only as a beginning, after each serial. Enthusiastically welcome readers, questions, in particular, welcome to interested in robotics experts and young science and technology workers topic selection. To avoid duplication, please contact the editorial department before submitting the draft to discuss the topic you are about to write. Manuscripts Please be brief and concise. Each question has thousands of words, pictures, vivid language, intellectual knowledge and interest, so that junior high school friends and general readers can read it.
导演(Director):杰森·蒂森(Jayson Thiessen)  配音(Dubbers):艾米莉·布朗特(Emily Blunt)  佐伊·索尔达娜(Zoe Saldana)  列维·施瑞博尔(Liev Schreiber)  奥卓·阿杜巴(Uzo Aduba)  克里斯汀·肯诺恩斯(Kristin Chenoweth)  类型(Type):动画(Animation)/冒险(Adventu