Learn to Learn English

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  For many years, the reforms of college curricula have always been among the priorities of our work. English major is of no exception. However, when we approach this problem, we are stumbled as the courses have comprehensively covered the four basic abilities of language learning. Despite of great ambition of reform, we are distressed for having nothing to start with.
  Actually, the cause of the problem is not the curricula arrangement, but the way we conduct our teaching and learning. In other words, in the process of learning, we have attached too much importance on what we learn, instead of how we learn. And that provokes our thinking about the goal of higher education in English.
  Many experts support“the whole people education”. This principle can be applied to many disciplines including English teaching. That is not meant to make students good at all fields, which is impossible, of course. The whole people education is to help students have the ability of independent thinking. That independent thinking matters is because it is our foundation to form our own value, so as to judge properly and make wise choices in the future. English teaching as higher education should follow this principle, as well. More importantly, how can we think independently or have our own opinion? By reading. And that is exactly what Chinese students of English major lack.
  1. Larger amount of reading is needed
  Compared with American students, Chinese students don’t do much reading. The knowledge Chinese students take in is only from the limited resources of the textbooks. American students will read four or five books to have the basic knowledge on one topic and have an overall understanding of different opinions. Based on these fresh and diverse materials, students may agree with some opinions and then have their own views. Therefore, the obscure concept will blossom into the independent thinking.
  Higher education is not the basic learning like high school where teachers feed students with knowledge. Higher education requires student to take the initiative to read and learn.
  2. We need to read in an effective way.
  2.1 marking the book to “own” it
  When students of English major get an English article to read, the most work they do is to look up every new words. But after reading an article, they fail to get the main idea or distinctive understanding from the author. Therefore, students need to mark the book and highlight the important argument while we are reading. In this way, students can train themselves to pay attention to the valuable points on purpose.   2.2 making connection
  As Confucius said, we can learn new knowledge by reviewing the previous one. This can be applied to English learning. Learning is to integrate the learned knowledge into the process of learning new things. Students should try to find the connection, using the old knowledge to test and the new knowledge to supplement. Making connection can help students to have active reading as well as active thinking.
  2.3 raising questions
  Raising questions is a result of active thinking or what we call critical thinking. As students read extensively, they start to question or even oppose some opinions. For example, students could think the author’s evidence is not persuasive enough and challenge for more supportive material.
  3. Vigorous class atmosphere
  The English classes in universities reserve the class format of lecturing like high school. However, that’s not proper, because students need a platform to share and exchange ideas, hence group discussion is a more dynamic and interesting way. It can motivate all the students to participate in the class and spark more marvelous points through brainstorm.
  A qualified student is more than a student having mastered all the English words or English grammar. A student of English major is, first and foremost, a student in humanity. Effective reading, writing and oral expression are basic standards for them. The bilingual abilities arm the students with the access to the wisdom and essence of two civilizations. Making the most of this advantage, students can fully prepare themselves for the future.
Introduction  The word “cloze” is converted from the word “closure” which means to make the unclosed things to close up. This conception is put forward by Taylor (Taylor, 1953) at first which is based
人们容易认为能赚钱的人就聪明,实际上他们中不少人只是在赚钱上高明,但缺乏对自然和人生的科学思维。近日有一个新闻,说广州一个生意上很成功的企业家跑去被一个不三不四组织培训,活着进去,死着出来。这件事看起来稀奇,实际很有代表性,类似的事还很多,只是程度没有这么惨烈而已。  日本八佰伴的创始人和田一夫先生就一直信奉一种大家很少知道的宗教,他一家人每天都和公司的高管一起举行宗教仪式,他自己都说他的经营灵感
本期,我们着重关注的是广西的集体土地所有权登记发证工作.rn到今年9月,广西全区已发证面积达1890.41万公顷,占应发证面积的95.1%;发证4.7万册,占应发证数的83.7%; 发证工作
她是一位创意师。  所不同的是,她是以大地为蓝本,以960万平方公里的千山万水为构图,心中规划、酝酿的是一个美好而绚丽的灿烂中国。  她是一位裁衣人。  所不同的是,她的“布料”是散落在华夏大地上那些不为人知的青山秀水,她要将这些几乎被人遗忘的环境珍宝一一挖掘出来,奉献给所有热爱自然、热爱生活的人们。  她是新生活的倡导者。  她憧憬着有一天,要将那些倦缩于钢筋水泥堡垒里的人们解脱出来,重新回归大
摘要:在高校英语教学过程中,采取科学、有效的课堂互动策略,充分调动起学生的学习积极性和主动性,使学生真正成为教学主体,使各教学要素充分互动起来,树立并加强学生的成就动机,是当前英语教师的课堂重点,也是破解这一难题的根本所在。通过对英语教学互动性的研究,探讨实现教学目标,培养高素质人才的方法。  关键词:Interactive teaching; College English; Interacti