赫赫雄风千秋颂 长征路上黄埔人

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中国工农红军二万五千里长征,是中国共产党领导下的人民军队所创造的英雄壮举,是本世纪震惊世界的伟大历史事件。红军长征的胜利,使中国革伞转危为安,为国家的独立、民族妁解放奠定了坚实的基础。长征不仅在军事斗争中创造了战争史上罕见的奇迹,而且形成了举世钦佩钓长征精神,成为中国共产党及其领导的人民军队百折不挠、自强不息的象征。为纪念红军长征胜利60周年,本刊特别登载了《赫赫雄风千秋颂,长征路上黄埔人》及《会师会宁》两篇文章,其中《赫》文主要记述了部分黄埔师生在长征中的事迹片断,以使人们永远铭记中国革命史上这一光辉灿烂的一页,不断激发人们的爱国革命精神,在新的历史条件下,为祖国的和平统一和繁荣富强,献出自己的光和热。 The long march of the Chinese workers, peasants, and the Red Army, which is the heroic feat created by the people’s army under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, is a great historic event that shocked the world this century. The triumph of the Red Army’s long march turned the Chinese leather umbrella into danger and laid a solid foundation for the independence and national liberation of the country. The Long March not only created a rare miracle in the history of war in the military struggle, but also formed the spirit of admiring the Long March admired by the world and became the symbol of perseverance and perseverance of the Chinese People’s Army led by the Chinese Communist Party and its leadership. In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army’s Long March, this special issue contains two articles, The Legendary Herald, The Huangpu People on the Long March, and The Society for the Meeting. Among them, “He” mainly describes some teachers and students in the Whampoa So that people will never forget the brilliant page in the history of the Chinese revolution and constantly inspire people’s patriotic revolutionary spirit. In the new historical conditions, they will give their own light and heat for the peaceful unification and prosperity of the motherland .
现在把我局档案工作分类做法和资料利用的情况介绍一下,供参考。一、我局技术档案、资料的管理情况 (一)技术档案资料分类法:规划图纸和一切资料原由各科室分别自管,自一九
本文浅述产业园的概念,现有产业园的现状及问题,产业园的发展趋势,并以南京生物医药谷为例浅析产业设计中的切入点和要点。 This article describes the concept of industr