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随着社会经济的不断发展,艺术设计这个概念在人们的认识中逐渐清晰起来,艺术设计对经济发展的重要作用也被人们所认识。21世纪是设计的时代,对设计教育的重视与否,关系到我国设计人才的培养与社会经济发展。从教育的角度看,没有艺术设计教育的美术教育,是不完整的。美术教育做为美育的一个方面,在其内容与内涵上也应该随时代的发展而不断的充实和扩大。严格来讲,设计不是纯粹的艺术,也不是单纯的技术,而是技术与艺术完美结合的统一体。可以这样说,艺术设计最能够体现当代高科技时代艺术与科技相结合的精神。虽然艺术设计较纯美术更为贴近人们的现实生活,具有显著的实用功能。但丝毫不能影响或削弱它在美术教育中的作用,同样与美术教育的其它内容一样具备美术教育的诸多功能和自身的特点。 With the continuous development of social economy, the concept of art and design has become increasingly clear in people’s understanding. The importance of art and design in economic development has also been recognized. The 21st century is the design era, and the emphasis on design education is related to the cultivation of our design talents and the social and economic development. From an educational point of view, art education without art design education is incomplete. As an aspect of aesthetic education, fine arts education should constantly enrich and expand with its development in the content and connotation. Strictly speaking, the design is not a pure art, nor a simple technology, but the perfect combination of technology and art. It can be said that art and design most can reflect the contemporary high-tech era of art and technology combined with the spirit. Although art design is more closely related to people’s real life than pure art, it has significant practical functions. However, it can not influence or weaken its role in art education at the very least. It also has many functions of art education and its own characteristics as other aspects of art education.
摘要:物理不仅是一门基础学科,而且它在现代社会中有很强的技术性和应用性。《全日制普通高级中学物理教学大纲》就明确指出:教师在教授的过程中要注重学生物理基础知识和实验技能的学习,让学生能够增加运用知识的能力,从而适应现代生活。因此,在教学过程中实验教学是一项十分重要的内容,这个过程是锻炼学生动手能力和整合知识的最佳时期,因此教师在教学过程中要注重物理实验教学。  关键词:提高;物理;实验;探究  实