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2006年11月8日召开的中共江苏省第十一次代表大会,是一次贯彻科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会重大战略思想、又好又快推进“两个率先”的大会。江苏省委书记李源潮所作的工作报告中提出,要到2010年左右以省为单位实现江苏全面小康建设四大类18项25条指标,基本达到党的十六大提出的“六个更加”、“一个惠及”的要求。报告还指出,未来几年,江苏省要在和谐社会的建设上重点更加突出,经济发达程度、市场化程度和国际化水平、人民生活富足程度以及和谐社会建设都要位于全国领先行列。在推进党的执政能力建设上认识更加到位,在富民优先的理念上目标更清晰,在新农村建设上政策更加倾斜,在城市化的定位上方向更加明确。 The Eleventh Congress of the CPC Jiangsu Province held on November 8, 2006 is a major meeting of implementing the scientific concept of development and building a socialist harmonious society and promoting the “two firsts” soundly and quickly. In his work report made by Li Yuanchao, secretary of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, it is proposed that by the year of 2010, there will be 25 indicators of 18 items in four major categories for building a well-off society in an all-round way in Jiangsu Province, basically reaching the “six more” proposed by the 16th CPC National Congress, “A Benefit” requirement. The report also pointed out that in the next few years, Jiangsu Province should lay more emphasis on the construction of a harmonious society. The economic development, marketization and internationalization, the people’s living standards and the building of a harmonious society should all be among the nation’s leading ranks. We should know more about the construction of the party’s governing ability, make our goals clearer in the concept of giving priority to the enriching people, give more orientation in the policy of building a new socialist countryside, and make the orientation of urbanization clearer.
加快完善社会救助体系,大力发展社会福利事业,是贯彻落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容。鄞州区在经济快速发展中,始终把社会救助和福利工作摆在重 Accelerat
An extremely facile and rapid solid phase route free of column chromatographic purification for the synthesis of the soluble monodisperse oligo(1, 4-phenyleneet
我在各国的国际机场候机或转机时,不爱逛免税店,却喜欢四处转转,暗自琢磨人家的椅子。我看到座椅都带着固定扶手,不让人躺着;看到充电插座附近无座椅,乘客站着或蹲着充电;看到有人疲惫不堪,席地而睡;孩子们趴在地上玩耍;无论这座机场如何宏大辉煌,我都不以为然,还会在心中嘀咕:“这都什么时代了,国际机场怎么能这样?”  可我在芬兰赫尔辛基万塔机场候机,一看到椅子,就眼睛一亮,转了几圈后,心情愉悦,击掌叫好。
自1967年美国放射学家Margulis首次明确提出“interventional radiology”的概念以来,短短不到半个世纪的时间,介入治疗学已经发展成为可以与内、外科并列的支柱性学科。数字