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我们在学习和应用肺结核病的苏联分类法时,常常遇到译名、病理、临床、X线所见、各类型间的鉴别、治疗和处理等问题。本会防治研究组和北京分会举办的北京市防痨工作人员学习会上,经常有各地结核病防治机构送来要求解答、鉴别、处理的病案。本刊为了使大家都能参加这个学习和讨论起见,特闢「苏联肺结核病分类法的学习和讨论」专栏。各地防痨机构和防痨工作者,在学习和应用苏联分类法时,遇到的各种问题,都可将有关详细病历和X线片寄来,由本会防治研究组研究或在学习会上讨论后答覆,并把其中有代表性的问题在本栏发表。各地防痨工作者对我们的讨论结果,有意见的地方亦可在本栏公开研究、讨论、商榷。我们希望通过这个专栏来提高对苏联分类法的认识,并协助大家解决有关问题,欢迎各地防痨机构和防痨工作者踴跃参加。——编者 When we study and apply the Soviet taxonomy of tuberculosis, we often encounter problems such as translation, pathology, clinical manifestations, X-ray findings, and the identification, treatment and treatment of various types of tuberculosis. At the Beijing Anti-tuberculosis Workers Seminar organized by the Beijing Research Group and the Beijing Branch, TB cases from all over the country are frequently sent to patients who are required to answer, identify and handle the case. In order to enable everyone to participate in this study and discussion, we published a special column titled “Learning and Discussion on the Tuberculosis Taxonomy of the Soviet Union.” Various anti-tuberculosis institutions and anti-tuberculosis workers in various places may encounter problems when studying and applying the Soviet taxonomy. They may send detailed medical records and X-rays and study them by the prevention and control research group or at a study conference After the reply, we will publish some of the representative issues in this column. The results of our discussion by all anti-tuberculosis workers and the opinions of other places can also be publicly researched, discussed and discussed in this column. We hope that through this column we can raise our awareness of the Soviet taxonomy and help you to solve the relevant problems. We welcome the anti-dumping agencies and anti-tuberculosis workers participating in this column. --editor
前言虽然,霍乱的治疗是以维持病人的电解质和水的平衡为主,但使用适当的抗菌药物则可以减少电解质和体液的用量,缩短病程,并减少 E1—Tor 弧菌带菌者。不同单位曾经提出不同
脑膜瘤发生颅外骨转移罕见,作者报道2例,并回顾文献,对脑膜瘤发生颅外转移的好发部位,转移机理及病理组织学特性与转移的关系进行了讨论。 例1,男性,49岁。3年半前,因短暂的
当前,中国钢铁行业正面临着内外部环境变化的考验,国家实施从紧货币政策;矿石、煤炭市场“涨”声一片;钢材、钢坯出口受阻;环保压力加大等等。高成本下的产能释放和高成 At