Introduction to series packaging design in the role of brand promotion

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  "The person is a good letter of introduction, content to packaging", packaging is closely related to people's life, it by physical means to communicate the intangible social aesthetic consciousness. The commodity market competition, is closely related with product packaging design is increasingly brought to the attention of the entrepreneurs and the designer. Now, the product quality differences between the increasingly narrow, it is ultimately depends on charisma and the visual image of the brand image to attract consumers. The stand or fall of packaging design has become a commodity to customers to talk to myself, and to assess the important condition of commodity quality, and many enterprises take an important strategy of brand market. Take full advantage of the characteristics of series packaging, strive for the market initiative, is a marketing strategy for many enterprises take the initiative of a very effective means.
  In the overall strategy of corporate image and brand promotion, the first thing to understand properties and the meaning of the brand, the graphics, text, color, logo design, effectively to form its own unique unified visual image of the brand, this is the series packaging. Series of products on display on the shelf, and guide consumers visual extend from one point to a line or side, strengthen the recognition and memory.
  Japan SUNDORY beer packaging design, the brand apart from the product itself, the packaging is also attract consumers. The product through the different packaging materials and technology, design a variety of series of packaging container, enriched the brand product packaging form. Personalized design, highlight the text and logo graphic, the form of a unified brand image, in the many brands of beer packaging form their own unique style. Today, many SUNDORY beer packing already thorough popular feeling, become a classic of beer packaging.
  The packing of the product must be unique, original design. Series packaging of biggest advantage is that the brand overall excellent results, which is formed by the strong visual communication, easy to identify to identify the, has the advantage of memory. Not only optimize the product diversity, unity, more easily recognised by consumers.
  Starbucks, can put a the world's oldest commodity development to form a unique, durable, has high value-added coffee brand, it is closely tied to the packaging of goods. A sign of starbucks coffee, special color, graphics, etc. Which conveys the uniqueness of the brand. Starbucks coffee series packaging is varied. In view of the festival, consumer groups, product type, etc have different style from the packaging design.   Starbucks to launch a new instant coffee products, used to represent Colombia and Italy on the package the two red coffee origin local characteristics, the overall style enthusiastic full-bodied, modern fashion. Break through the original single model structure, effectively reflects the series combination of charm. Starbucks coffee festival series of packaging design, the theme is distinct, collocation of Christmas design combined with the site promotion, it's easy to get the favour of consumers. In addition, more attention to the packing starbucks coffee is the serial packaging design, using a unique series of illustrations and color form to differentiate the types of coffee, it has already formed the starbucks unique brand style.
  Integrity, the systematic brand image, refers to the different types, different performance, different shapes, different specifications of the product form of visual elements, embodies the unity of image features. Load such as the colour of a unified brand, unified, unified format, but should also contain relatively independent of the individual characteristics, and on the basis of the requirement and rules of brand image, make a series of change, make brand system more rich, the application in packaging design to change, and change for the uniform in uniform. Haagen-dazs ice cream brand series of packaging design, brand image by a specific font and gold stripes of graphics. Brand elements cross each other, form a organic combination. Brand elements like a chain structure, firmly together the brand consciousness and commodity attribute
  There is no doubt that image group, seriation, family-based packaging design patterns, is an effective way of enterprise to shape is different from the other brand image, make the enterprise products embody the interrelated family-owned series brand characteristics, to improve brand image and product reputation. Series packaging in the market classification clear, strong identification, is conducive to the establish the whole image of the enterprise brand in consumer memory, also directly affects the consumer's psychological feelings and value orientation.
【摘要】:路遥是我国当代文学史上的著名作家,其中篇小说《人生》一经问世便掀起热潮。书中所塑造的三个关键性人物高加林、刘巧珍、德顺老汉从不同角度向我们诠释着人生的内涵。高加林追求理想不可得的悲剧,刘巧珍爱情理想的破碎,德顺老汉淡定从容的人生哲学无一不给予我们极大的思想震动,启迪着我们在人生之旅中直面苦痛,脚踏实地地生活。  【关键词】:人生哲学;悲剧;理想;爱情  一、追求理想的悲剧者  小说中的主
【摘要】:德国表现主义绘画同样具有真实性,这种真实性既有个人情感上的真实,又有这一时期民族性的真实。它的真实虽然与现实世界的表面现象有很大的不同,但依然能够体现出真实的情感和强烈的生命力。  【关键词】:德国表现主义绘画;真实;表现  古典写实作品中的真实往往更容易被大众理解,为大众所接受,因为作品中的艺术形象与现实中的客观事物的表面极为相似,看起来比较真实。然而,德国表现主义绘画不像古典传统中那
【摘要】:装饰是一种有意味的形式。它不但是审美的形式,而且有更深层次的含义。它包含着特定的社会感情和文化意识。它不仅是“装饰性”的,从秩序、线条、形式、色彩等方面带给人们以审美愉悦,而且是“文化性”的,从文化、理想、象征、历史等方面满足人们更深层次的需要。如今,装饰的理念已经深入人心,装饰艺术不断改变着我们观看世界的角度和方式,同时也潜移默化的培养人们对艺术的态度。  【关键词】:装饰艺术;装饰艺
【摘要】:保定的戏曲演剧活动大体经过了神庙演剧、会馆演剧、戏园演剧三次大的剧场演变,清末民初达到全盛时期,其形制的变迁、剧场建筑样式的改进,既显示出保定戏曲昔日的辉煌和发展脉络,也反映着保定戏曲文化鲜明的地域特色。  【关键词】:清末民初;戏曲演剧;剧场  清末民初,戏曲剧场遍布保定的广大城市和乡村,且形态多样。由于一些农村的戏曲演出是节令性而非商业性的,戏台常常是临时搭木而建,不太讲究样式的美观
【摘要】:笔者在《关于美声唱法的几点思考(一)》中,详细探讨了美声唱法在歌唱技术与歌唱目的之关系,为谁唱歌与母语歌唱的问题这两方面的问题。不仅仅是这两个问题,反映出来的许多问题值得我们深思。通过老师的指导与同老师一起探讨,笔者继续试作分析,以期在提高美声演唱水平,改变美声唱法的目前状况等方面达到理想效果。  【关键词】:美声唱法;歌唱技术;歌唱目的;作品原创;母语歌唱  一、声乐新作与生活体验双重