
来源 :中学历史教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuaxing1314
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初中历史课堂为学生构建了一个认识、感悟历史的平台,是历史人物教学的主要阵地。而历史人物教学又是初中历史教学的重要构成部分,占有十分重要的地位,因此,如何正确地认识、理解并评价历史人物就显得尤为重要。本文旨在探讨初中历史人物教学的有效策略,通过时代与历史人物的内在联系、人物与历史事件的关系来实现对历史人物的认识、分析与概括。一、用材料展现人物的历史背景与内心世界认识历史人物的一个前提就是其生活的社会环境,无论伟人还是普通群众,其形成与发展都与生活环境、 The junior middle school history classroom builds a platform for students to understand and comprehend history, which is the main front for historical figure teaching. However, the teaching of historical figures is an important part of history teaching in junior high schools, occupying an important position. Therefore, it is very important to understand, understand and evaluate the historical figures correctly. The purpose of this article is to explore the effective strategies for the teaching of historical figures in junior middle schools, to realize the understanding, analysis and generalization of the historical figures through the relationship between the times and the historical figures as well as the relationship between the figures and historical events. First, the material to show the historical background of the characters and the inner world A historical premise of understanding historical figures is the social environment of their lives, whether great or ordinary people, its formation and development and living environment,
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