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本文对新生儿肺出血36例采用持续正压通气(CPPV)治疗,并研究影响 CPPV 抢救成功的因素后提出:①影响 CPPV 疗效的因素有低体重、低体温、酸中毒,机械通气开始时间及呼吸衰竭类型。因素异常程度越重,病死率越高。提高抢救成功率的关键是在肺出血前使用 CPPV。②按上述各因素制定评分标准,建议对有肺出血高危因素的患儿评分达4~6分时即使用 CPPV。③临床肺出血有3种病理类型,CPPV 如何与其结合以提高疗效,值得研究。 In this paper, 36 cases of neonatal pulmonary hemorrhage using continuous positive pressure ventilation (CPPV) treatment and study the factors that affect the success of CPPV rescue put forward: ① factors that affect the efficacy of CPPV low body weight, hypothermia, acidosis, mechanical ventilation start time and Respiratory failure type. The more serious the factors, the higher the case fatality rate. The key to improving the rescue success rate is to use CPPV before pulmonary hemorrhage. ② according to the above factors to develop scoring standards, it is recommended that children with high risk of pulmonary hemorrhage score of 4 to 6 points even when using CPPV. ③ clinical pulmonary hemorrhage has three pathological types, CPPV how to combine with them to improve the efficacy, it is worth studying.
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