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举案今年初,王某买了一辆小货车搞营运。一日,肖某搭王某的货车进城购货,晚上10点多返回时,下着大雨,视线不清,把骑自行车的钟某撞伤,当时,司机王某和乘客肖某赶紧下车察看,见到钟某伤势严重,昏迷不醒,王某六神无主。因为这么晚返回主要是肖某购货耽误了时间,所以他担心王某承担事故责任后会怪自己,想在这昏天黑暗里肯定没人发现事故经过,于是力劝王某赶紧逃离现场,省得赔钱坐牢。在此情况下,王 Earlier this year, Wang bought a pickup truck for operation. One day, Wang take the truck to buy goods into the city, at 10 o’clock in the evening to return, under heavy rain, blurred vision, riding a bicycle Zhongmou injured, when the driver Wang and passengers Xiaomou quickly get off Look, see Chung serious injuries, unconscious, Wang six lordless. Because of such a late return is mainly a delay of purchase of Xiao time, so he worried Wang will assume responsibility after the accident blame myself, want to die in the darkness certainly no one found the accident, so advised Wang fled the scene, Save money in jail. In this case, king
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林琳芳今年24岁,曾在一家律师事务所担任律师。父亲是一家拥有600万元资产的工艺品有限公司的董事长,工艺品公司共有股东五人,其中林董事长持有公司70%的股份。天有不测风云,去年底,林董事长因肝癌不幸去世。  今年初,公司股东会和董事会依照公司章程规定进行选举,林琳芳接替了父亲的董事长职务。为了适应新的岗位,她自学企业经营管理业务,摸索公司管理诀窍。就在林琳芳逐步适应新的角色时,公司发生了一件意外事
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