Analysis and Optimization on Factors Affecting Forming Quality of Half Axle Gears Warm Precision For

来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccshixg
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Half axle gears is produced by precision forging popularly because of the advantages in minimum machining allowances, lower material consumption and good service properties. But the forming quality of precision forging is difficult to control. Many simulations and analysis of precision forging process were taken by previous researchers. But no concrete method is proposed to evaluate and optimize the forming quality of half axel gears. The primary purpose of this work is improving the forming quality of half axel gears by analyzing and optimizing the affected factors of forming quality. The enclosed-die warm forging process of half axle gears was developed, and a new type of die-set used on double action hydraulic press was brought forward. The main influential factors of precision forming quality were analyzed after the forming process had been simulated by using finite element method(FEM). These factors include die structure, web thickness and web position. A method used to evaluate the forming quality was established, which investigated the maximal forming load, the metal filling rate and the material damage factor. The FEM simulations of half axle gears precision forging were evaluated by this method. The results show that the best forming quality can be achieved when the punches were added with bosses, the web located at the middle plant of the gear, and the web thickness was 30 percent of the inner hole diameter. Verification experiments taking the above optimized parameters were performed on a 7.8 MN double action hydraulic press. The trial products were formed well. And their geometric precision meets the demand. The verification result shows that the optimization of the influential factors, according to the simulations and the evaluation method, can improve the forming quality. The new structure of precision forging die-set and the new evaluation method guarantee a high forming quality of half axel gears. Half the axle gears is produced by precision forging popularly because of the advantages in minimum machining allowances, lower material consumption and good service properties. But the forming quality of precision forging is difficult to control. Many simulations and analysis of precision forging process were taken by previous researchers. But no concrete method is proposed to evaluate and optimize the forming quality of half axel gears. The primary purpose of this work is improving the forming quality of half axel gears by analyzing and optimizing the affected factors of forming quality. The enclosed-die warm forging process of half axle gears was developed, and a new type of die-set used on double action hydraulic press was brought forward. The main influential factors of precision forming quality were analyzed after the forming process had been simulated by using finite element method (FEM). These factors include die structure, web thickness and web position. A method used to evaluate t he forming quality was established, which investigated the maximal forming load, the metal filling rate and the material damage factor. The FEM simulations of half axle gears precision forging were evaluated by this method. the punches were added with bosses, the web located at the middle plant of the gear, and the web thickness was 30 percent of the inner hole diameter. trial products were formed well. And their geometric precision meets the demand. The verification result shows that the optimization of the influential factors, according to the simulations and the evaluation method, can improve the forming quality. The new structure of precision forging die-set and the new evaluation method guarantee a high forming quality of half axel gears.
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