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位于阳泉市区北郊的阳泉铝矾土矿是我国生产高铝矾土熟料的省属企业,始建于1955年,现有职工2,000多人,年产值2,400多万元。下属的煅烧车间是一条以重油作燃料、回转窑煅烧高铝矾土的机械化生产线。设计能力为年产7.2万吨;1978年建成投产以来,最高年产量达到过6.56万吨;1984年完成5.7万吨,实现利润90万元,是铝矾土矿的“饭碗车间”。改革潮流的启示1984年8月的一个晚上时针已经指到11点,铝矾土矿会议室的灯光依然亮着。矿里领导正在认真地讨论1985年生产经营计划。讨论中有人算了一笔帐:1985年由于燃料油、钢材、铝矾土和运输费用价格上浮,加上职工副食补贴和离退休职工生活补贴等项开支的增加,煅烧车间产量要是维持在1984年的水平上,全矿将要出现30万元的亏损。然而,在下达生产计划时,煅烧车间叫苦不迭,5.5万吨的生产任务也难以接受。怎么办?是改革的潮流启发了大家。矿长张学明提出了实行经济承包责任制的建议,立即得到了大家的赞同。 Located in the northern suburbs of Yangquan, the Yangquan bauxite mine is a provincial-owned enterprise producing high-alumina bauxite clinker. It was founded in 1955. It has more than 2,000 employees and an annual production value of over 24 million yuan. The subordinate calcining plant is a mechanized production line that uses heavy oil as fuel and rotary kiln to calcine high alumina bauxite. The design capacity is 72,000 tons per year. Since it was completed and put into production in 1978, the maximum annual output has reached over 65,600 tons; in 1984, it has completed 57,000 tons and realized a profit of 900,000 yuan. It is a “rice bowl workshop” for bauxite mines. Revelation of the trend of reform In August 1984, an hour was already pointed to 11 o’clock, and the light in the bauxite mine meeting room was still on. Leaders in the mine are seriously discussing the 1985 production and operation plan. During the discussion, a calculation was made: In 1985, due to the increase in the price of fuel oil, steel, bauxite and transportation costs, and the increase in non-staple food subsidies and living allowances for retired workers, the output of the calcining plant should be maintained in 1984. At the level of the year, the whole mine will have a loss of 300,000 yuan. However, when the production plan was issued, the calcining plant clamored and the production task of 55,000 tons was also difficult to accept. What to do? It is the trend of reform that inspired everyone. Zhang Xueming, the director of the mine, proposed the implementation of the economic contract responsibility system and immediately got everyone’s approval.
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各区、县人民政府,各委、局,各直属单位:市公安局《关于在全市消防安全重点单位建立119火灾定点报警网络的意见》已经市人民政府领导同志同意,现转发给你们,请照此执 All d
这是诺贝尔文学奖得主吉卜林写给他12岁儿子的一首诗: This is a poem written by Nobel Prize-winning writer Kipling to his 12-year-old son: