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洪、涝、渍、旱灾害的形成都与水有关,水利工程在抗御这些自然灾害中发挥了重大作用。现结合安徽省宿县地区的实际情况,就如何提高防灾意识,加强宏观管理,充分发挥水利工程在灾害防治中的作用,谈谈我们的做法和几点体会: 一、掌握情况,科学决策 宿县地区现有大小河流70条,建成涵闸1187座,水库84座,其中10座小(一)型水库大多分布在津浦铁路两侧,近的离铁路仅二、三公里。新汴河是贯穿我区东西的一条主要排洪、排涝河道,河南的客水、萧县和砀山的高水,汛期都由这条河道排出,并有3个枢纽工程进行阶梯蓄水,总库容约占全区总蓄水库容的20~30%,担负着沿岸宿县、灵璧、泗县三市、县的工农业用水和城镇生活用水,也是一条主要的水路运输线,年吞吐量约百万吨。因此,对新 The formation of floods, floods, stains and droughts are all related to water, and water conservancy projects play an important role in resisting these natural disasters. Now combined with the actual situation in Suxian, Anhui Province, on how to raise awareness of disaster prevention, strengthen macroeconomic management, and give full play to the role of water conservancy projects in disaster prevention and control, to talk about our practices and experience: First, grasp the situation, scientific decision-making There are 70 river basins in Suxian area, 1187 culverts and 84 reservoirs. Among them, 10 small reservoirs are mostly located on both sides of Jinpu Railway and only two or three kilometers away from the railway. Xindanhe River is a major flood discharging and drainage channel running through the east and west of our region. The high-water and flood-season of the passenger water of Henan Province, Xiao County and Dangshan are all discharged from this river course. There are 3 pivotal projects for ladder water storage, The storage capacity occupies 20-30% of the total reservoir storage capacity in the region, shouldering the industrial, agricultural and urban domestic water supply in the three counties and cities along the coast in Suxian County, Lingbi County and Sixian County. It is also a major waterway transportation line with annual throughput About one million tons. So, new
We report experimental progress in weakening the frequency difference lock-in phenomenon in a Y-shaped cavity dual-frequency laser. A cube coil pair is chosen t