重墨淡写 挥洒乡情——观河北省文安县农民书法潮

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80年代末到90年代初,河北省文安县涌起了农民书法潮。至今,这里已有400余人次在国际、国内获书法赛奖,有些作品到美国、法国、日本、韩国以及台湾、香港等国家和地区参展,并被这些国家和地区的收藏家收藏。迎春书社、青蓝书社、广陵书画研究会等大小书社如雨后春笋,遍及全县各乡镇。从80多岁的老人到7、8岁的娃娃,习练书法者,达15000余人。从县城到乡镇,从机关企业到农户家庭,大大小小、各俱形式的书法展此起此伏,目不暇接。农民的物质生活充裕了,必然要求更高层次的文化艺术上的享受,他们便选择了书法这种形式。他们长在农村,生活在大自然中,喜欢从自己耕耘的土地上,从无边的绿色里,寻找想象的空间,探究生命的节奏和源泉:种 The late 1980s to the early 1990s, Wen’an County, Hebei Province surged farmer calligraphy tide. So far, more than 400 people here have won the calligraphy prize internationally and nationally. Some of the works have been exhibited in the United States, France, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other countries and regions and have been collected by collectors in these countries and regions. Yingchun Book Club, blue book clubs, Guangling painting and calligraphy Research Council and other large and small bookstores springing up, all over the township. From more than 80-year-olds to 7 and 8-year-old dolls, 15,000 calligraphers are trained. From the county seat to the township, from the enterprises to peasant families, large and small, all forms of calligraphy from this volt, dizzying. When the material life of the peasants is abundant, it is bound to demand a higher level of cultural and artistic enjoyment, and they have chosen the form of calligraphy. They live in the countryside, live in nature, enjoy the space they have cultivated, seek the space of imagination from the boundless green, and explore the rhythm and source of life.
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