
来源 :健康心理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangnly
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药物是有生理效应的,这是人所共知的事实。但是,病人在用药过程中有很复杂的心理活动,积极的心理效应可以加强药物的生理效应;反之可削弱药物的生理效应。怎样能使药物产生积极的心理效应,是医护人员应该探讨的重要问题。 根据病人的年龄、性别、智力、文化程度,疾病状况及心理需要等在给药的同时应对药理作一定的解释,但也不可过分渲染,以免患者认为护士夸大其辞,事与愿违。如为失眠患者送去镇静药时,可亲切和蔼地说:“这是镇静放果较好的药物,您服后会很快入睡的。” 当病人对所给药与自己从书本上了解的知识 It is a well-known fact that drugs have a physiological effect. However, patients in the medication process has a very complex psychological activity, positive psychological effects can enhance the physiological effects of drugs; the other hand, can weaken the physiological effects of drugs. How to make drugs have a positive psychological effect is an important issue that medical staff should explore. According to the patient’s age, gender, intelligence, educational level, disease status and psychological needs, such as medication should be given at the same time to explain the pharmacology, but not too much to render, so patients do not think nurses exaggerated, contrary to expectations. If the patient is sedated for sedating insomnia, kindly kindly say: “This is a good place to calm the fruit put the drug, you will soon fall asleep after serving.” When the patient to the medication and their understanding from the book know how
目的 研究纤溶酶原激活剂抑制物 2型 (PAI 2 )抑制细胞凋亡的分子机制。方法 用TNFα与放线菌酮协同诱发HeLa细胞建立HeLa细胞凋亡模型 ;将人PAI 2cDNA与真核表达载体 pcDN
素质教育是教育改革的主旋律。教师在教授学生知识的同时,应加强对学生素质能力的培养。 Quality education is the main theme of education reform. Teachers in teaching
A numerical method for solving isentropic compressible now problems is presented. This method uses the vorticity and the density as variables. The crux of the m
在0.2mol/L LiCl 底液中,用示波极谱法一次导数或二次导数测定马来酰肼,产生一个清晰的阴极波。峰电位为-1.95伏(Vs SCE)。当马来酰肼浓度为1.0×10~(-4)~2.0×10~(-5)mol/L
淫羊藿作为强肾益精的补养药,在《中国药典》中收载了3个品种,包括淫羊藿(Epimedium brericornum N.),箭叶淫羊藿(E.saqittatum)和朝鲜淫羊藿(E.koreanumN.)。作者在前文中