New observation on a class of old reactions:Chemoselectivity for the solvent-free reaction of aromat

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangtianmei02
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Solvent-free reactions of aromatic aldehydes with three representative ketones,including acetophenone,acetone and cyclohexanone,have been examined under the catalysis of a low-cost inorganic base system consisting of NaOH and K2CO3.It was found that the chemoselectivity of the reactions is in close relationship with the composition of the reactants and the doublecomponent catalyst.Under the optimized experimental conditions,1,2,3,4,5-pentasubstituted cyclohexanols,α,β-unsaturated ketones and Claisen-Schmidt bicondensation products were obtained in high yields.Two Kostanecki’s triketones were separated,The composition and structure were affirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis. Solvent-free reactions of aromatic aldehydes with three representative ketones, including acetophenone, acetone and cyclohexanone, have been examined under the catalysis of a low-cost inorganic base system consisting of NaOH and K2CO3.It was found that the chemoselectivity of the reactions is in close relationship with the composition of the reactants and the double component catalyst. Under the optimized experimental conditions, 1,2,3,4,5-pentasubstituted cyclohexanols, α, β-unsaturated ketones and Claisen-Schmidt bicondensation products were obtained in high yields. Two Kostanecki’s triketones were separated, The composition and structure were affirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis.
赤桉(Eucalybutus camaldulansis)、兰桉(E·globulus)为我省主要栽培桉树树种,具有生长快、适应性强的特点。但赤桉树干分岔弯曲、病虫危害突出,兰桉材质多呈扭曲。为解决
封面上藏书票的画面是位于上海东郊、西临军工路、东滨黄浦江,百余年前在上海各大学得过三个第一的沪江大学的绿杨浦畔。  从地势上来说,自海上来沪,船进吴淞口入黄浦江,看见的第一所大学就是它。其次,它是上海第一个实行男女同校的大学,当时校长魏馥兰博士在任,热心提倡女子教育,于1920年开始招收女生,开男女同校的先河。再次,它是第一个改由国人长校的教会大学。当国人倡议收回教育权时,第二任魏馥兰博士顺应潮
【摘 要】 本文以一节单元复习展示课的教学案例为例,从课堂教学的设计入手,从三个方面例阐述如何提高单元复习课的效率。  【关键词】 单元复习课 设计 效率  单元复习课是初中英语课堂教学的重要课型之一,在初中英语教学中占有重要的地位,通过概括而系统的复习,可以提高学生整体知识水平,发展学生的智力和自学能力,大大提高教学质量。  本文将以如皋市初中英语基础年级教学研讨会的一节展示课8A 《Unit