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我省高度重视高层次人才工作,围绕实施科教兴鲁和人才强省战略,相继出台了一系列加强人才培养、引进和使用的政策规定,明确提出了“加快集聚高端领军人才”的目标任务、战略重点和工作要求。目前全省高层次创新型科技人才队伍发展到4000余人,取得了丰硕的科技成果,对我省经济社会发展起到了重要的支撑作用。当今世界,科技进步和创新成为社会经济发展的决定性因素,是国家竞争力的核心。国与国之间的竞争,归根到底是科技的竞争,而科技的竞争实质上是人才的竞争。抓紧并持之以恒地培养造就大批高层次创新型科技人才,是提高自主创新能力、建设创新型国家的必然要求,也是实现国家发展目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的必然要求。 The province has attached great importance to the work of high-level personnel and has successively promulgated a series of policies and regulations on personnel training, introduction and use around the implementation of the strategy of “rejuvenating Shandong through science and education and strengthening the ranks of qualified personnel” and set forth the goal of “speeding up the gathering of top-tier leading talents” Tasks, strategic priorities and job requirements. At present, the number of high-level innovative scientific and technological personnel in the province has grown to more than 4,000 and great achievements have been made in science and technology. This has played an important supporting role in the economic and social development in our province. In today's world, scientific and technological progress and innovation have become the decisive factors in the social and economic development and are the core of the country's competitiveness. Competition between countries is, in the final analysis, the competition of science and technology, and the competition of science and technology is essentially the competition of talents. To seize and persevere in fostering and nurturing a large number of high-level innovative scientific and technical personnel is an inevitable requirement for enhancing the capability of independent innovation and building an innovative country and a necessary requirement for achieving the goal of national development and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
幼儿园小朋友排队做操,刚刚往后退的时候,不小心踩了小海的脚。下操了,小海趁刚刚不注意,狠狠踩了他一脚,转身就跑。刚刚愣了一下,想了想,明白了:小海是来“还那一脚”。 K
本刊讯 塞外高原,秋高气爽。8月21日,中国航天机电集团公司第六研究院的命名仪式在呼和浩特市举行。至此,四院驻内蒙古指挥部更名为中国航天机电集团固体火箭发动机技术研究院,代号