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  It’s hip (时髦的). It’s hot, and everyone’s doing it. People often talk about it and friends tell each other how good their looks are.
  What’s it then? Well, it’s actually a trend (潮流) for something completely different from what you think: Web logging (网络日志) or “blogging”. Many bloggers are teens. They discuss anything and everything that’s going on in their life.
  “I write about my daily activities, funny things or questions about my life.” says Lali S, a student at Castilleja High School in Palo Alto, California. She has had a blog on Xanga (an international blogging website) since April 2002.
  Allyson T., a student at Crystal Springs High School in Hillsborough,
  California, does more than that. She puts pictures up on Xanga.
  “Posting pictures is a way to make blogging more exciting.” says Allyson. She has been blogging for eight months and spends any time from five minutes to an hour on each entry (进入).
  Teens are drawn to blogs for two reasons: Blogs are easy and free. Some bloggers spend hours simply writing down thoughts or posting pictures.
  For many bloggers, the sites become a place to look for help with problems. They look for advice from people who read their blog.
  But blogs are still public forums (论坛), so that can cause problems. Bloggers such as Sierra says they know better. She doesn’t put her entire life online. She’s careful about posting things that’s too personal, “If I really need to get something out, I’ll just call a friend or write it down in my diary.”
  True(T) or False (F)?
  1. Blogs are only for teens.
  2. Posting pictures is a way to make blogging more exciting.
  3. Teens like blogging because it’s easy and free.
  4. Blogs can sometimes cause problems.
  5. Few bloggers ask for help with their problems.
  Key: 1. F2. T 3. T4. T 5. F
【题型概说】  由近几年的中考语文试题可以看出,命题人更加注重对考生的语文综合能力的考查,注重发掘考生的创造能力,在设计试题时注意设置情境,使试题内容更加贴近现实生活。因此,能较好地体现这一宗旨的表格分析题越来越受到中考命题者的青睐。这类试题要求考生根据图表内容,挖掘某些隐含信息,分析相关材料,或对材料进行综合性评价。    【解题策略】  解答表格分析题要注意四个方面的问题:1. 注重整体阅读。
喜欢明星无可厚非,然而走过了头就会生出悲哀!少男少女们可要当心啊!  You are a fan of a pop star. You enjoy his films and CDs. You want to see his pictures make the newspaper headlines (标题) every day. It’s common for teenagers to be c
【真题回放】  题目:动力来自_________  要求:(1)将题目补充完整,构成你的作文题目,并抄写在作文纸上。  (2)不限文体。(诗歌除外)(3)不少于600字。(4)作文中不要出现所在学校的校名和师生姓名。    【满分作文一】  动力来自思想的蒹葭  一片片芦苇,在苍茫的水面上摇曳,就像一支支羽毛笔,在洁白的稿纸上划动。水面上荡起的涟漪,就是这脆弱的芦苇写下的最清晰的文字,也是我生命中
星星草是快乐、幸福的代表。只要有它盛开的地方,空气中就会弥漫着快乐的气息。  连绵不断的阴雨淹没不了我们快乐的情绪,小雨点也和我们一起跳起了圆圈舞。激动、快乐环绕着我,这是我第一次感受到雨点的快乐,第一次挣脱父母的怀抱独立生活,第一次迈进素质教育学校的大门。我和几位同学相聚在225号寝室,开始了为期3天的素质教育生活。  课堂上,同学们施展出浑身解数,各展才华。多米诺骨牌游戏课上,我们“225”的
“根与系数的关系”这个知识点经常出现在中考试题中,本文就根与系数的关系与二次函数相结合的综合题,举两个例子,谈谈解答这类题目的方法,供同学们参考.    “本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文”
五月一日的夜晚   公 刘    天安门前,焰火像一千只孔雀开屏,  空中是朵朵云烟,地上是人海灯山,  数不尽的衣衫发辫,   被歌声吹得团团旋转……  整个世界站在阳台上观看,   中国在笑!中国在舞!中国在狂欢!  羡慕吧,生活多么好,多么令人爱恋,  为了享受这一夜,我们战斗了一生!  1955年5月     【赏析】  现代著名诗人公刘的这首诗,通过描写天安门前劳动人民尽情欢庆的场面,抒
Ⅰ.单项填空    从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。  1. The young woman has so many dresses thatshe doesn’t know _____ every morning.   A. what to wearB. how to wearC. what to put on D. how to put on  2. If I ___
一、选择填空    1. They think it’s exciting to trek ________ the jungle. Do you agree?   A. pastB. acrossC. overD. through  2. —Why not ________ to Guilin for holidays?   —Good idea!  A. consider goingB. to
before long和long before看上去很相似,其实这两个短语的意思完全不同。  before long的意思是“不久”“不久以后”“没有多久”“很快”“一会儿之后”,其含义相当于after a short time,soon,a little later,多用于将来时态或过去时态。例如:  We made a fire and before long the room was war