郎世宁(Giuseppe Castiglione,1688-1766年),意大利人,原名朱塞佩·伽斯底里奥内,生于米兰。清康熙五十四年(1715年),作为天主教耶稣会的修道士来中国传教,随即进人如意馆,成为宫廷画家。他曾参加圆明园西洋楼的设计工作,历经康、雍、乾三朝,在中国从事绘画达50多年。郎世宁是一位艺术上的全面手,人物、肖像、走兽、花鸟、山水无所不精。在绘画创作中,他重视明暗、透视,用中国画工具,按西洋画方法作画,形成精细逼真的效果。郎世宁的作品大都被宫廷收藏,民间罕见。代表作品有《聚瑞图》《嵩献英芝图》《百骏图》《弘历及后妃像》《平定西城战图》等。
Giuseppe Castiglione (1688 - 1766), Italian, formerly known as Giuseppe Galdario, was born in Milan. Qing Emperor Kangxi fifty-four years (1715), as a Catholic Jesuit monk to China preaching, then entered the wishful Museum, a court painter. He had participated in the design work of the Yuan Ming Yuan Western House, after more than 50 years of painting in China, after Kang, Yong and Qian Dynasties. Castiglione is an artistically comprehensive hand, figure, portrait, beast, flowers and birds, landscapes are all fine. In painting, he paid attention to the light and darkness, the perspective, using Chinese painting tools and painting according to the western painting method, forming a fine realistic effect. Castiglione’s works are mostly court collections, rare folk. Representative works include “Ju Ruitu” “Song Xian Ying Zhi map” “100 Chun map” “Hong calendar and the queen-like” “peace plan” and so on.