贯彻落实党的十七大精神 加大机关节能减排工作力度

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党中央、国务院对全国节能减排工作高度重视。胡锦涛总书记、温家宝总理等中央领导同志多作出重要批示和指示,要求各级政府机关要充分认识节约能源资源的极端重要性和紧迫性,带头厉行节约,建设节约型机关,真正在建设节约型社会中发挥表率作用。在中央和国家机关节能减排工作经验交流会上,曾培炎副总理对各级政府机构节能减排工作又提出新的要求,我们要认真贯彻落实。党的十七大报告中指出,要加强能源资源节约和生态环境保护,增强可持续发展能力。坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,关系人民群众切身利益和中华民族生存发展。必须把建设资源节约型、 The Central Party Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the national energy conservation and emission reduction work. General Secretary Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao made many important instructions and directives. They urged government agencies at all levels to fully understand the extremely important and urgent nature of energy-saving resources, take the lead in practicing economy and building a conservation-oriented organization, and truly building a conservation-oriented Social role play a role model. At the exchange meeting on energy conservation and emission reduction work of central and state organs, Vice Premier Zeng Peiyang put forward new requirements on energy conservation and emission reduction at all levels of government agencies. We must conscientiously implement this. The report of the 17th CPC National Congress pointed out that we must step up conservation of energy and resources, protection of the ecological environment and enhancement of the capacity for sustainable development. We must adhere to the basic national policy of saving resources and protecting the environment, and have an immediate bearing on the vital interests of the people and the survival and development of the Chinese nation. We must build a resource-saving,
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