A Near-Optimal Optimization Algorithm for Link Assignment in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flurryzhang
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Over the past few years, wireless networking technologies have made vast forays in our daily lives. In wireless ad-hoc networks, links are set up by a number of units without any permanent infrastructures. In this paper, the resource optimization is considered to maximize the network throughput by efficiently using the network capacity, where multi-hop functionality and spatial TDMA (STDMA) access scheme are used. The objective is to find the minimum frame length with given traffic distributions and corresponding routing information. Because of the complex structure of the underlying mathematical problem, previous work and analysis become intractable for networks of realistic sizes. The problem is addressed through mathematical programming approach, the linear integer formulation is developed for optimizing the network throughput, and then the similarity between the original problem and the graph edge coloring problem is shown through the conflict graph concept. A column generation solution is proposed and several enhancements are made in order to fasten its convergence. Numerical results demonstrate that the theoretical limit of the throughput can be efficiently computed for networks of realistic sizes.
[摘 要] 机械基础是机械类专业的一门专业基础课,教材涉及内容多而散,广泛应用于各种工程机械和机械设备中。学生在学习过程中常感觉枯燥单调,抽象难懂,因此,在机械基础课程中应用实践教学非常必要。对机械基础课程实践的现状进行简单分析,并提出开展机械基础实践教学的具体途径,以更好地促进机械基础课程的教学效果。  [关 键 词] 实践教学;机械基础;直观教学  [中图分类号] G712
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