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1997~ 1 998年在贵州省毕节等 1 2县 (市 )实施农业部丰收计划项目———玉米地膜覆盖及配套增产技术 ,项目以玉米地膜覆盖为主 ,配套推广育苗移栽、杂交良种、绿肥聚垄、配方施肥、综合防治病虫害等实用技术 ,实施两年。共完成有效面积 8.772万hm2 ,其中 1 997年 4 .3 1万hm2 ,1 998年 4 .4 56万hm2 ,项目平均单产 3 71 .4kg/ 667m2 ,新增产 97.9kg/ 667m2 ,增幅3 5.8%,超计划指标 2 5.8个百分点 ,新增总产1 2 881 .682万kg ,超计划 3 4 %,新增总产值 2 4 2 1 7.56万元 ,新增纯产值 1 7546.4 56万元 ,经济效益显著。其中有 1 0个县为贫困县 ,通过项目的实施提高了贫困地区实用技术普及率及生产水平 ,提高了群众收入和吃粮水平 ,为扶贫攻坚起到了十分重要的作用 ,其社会效益十分明显 ,此外项目通过绿肥聚垄 ,配方施肥等措施 ,促进了贫困山区土地用养结合 ,土壤肥力得到提高 ,单位面积产量提高也为山区退耕还林还草 ,恢复生态创造了条件。 From 1997 to 1998, 12 m counties (cities) such as Bijie in Guizhou Province implemented the Harvest Program of Ministry of Agriculture - the plastic mulching of maize and the technology of matching production increase. The project mainly covered the plastic mulching of maize and supported the promotion of seedling transplanting, Green fertilizer poly-ridge, formula fertilization, integrated pest control and other practical technologies, the implementation of two years. The total effective area was 87,700 hm2, including 41,300 hm2 in 1997 and 44,600 hm2 in 1998. The average yield of the project was 3 71.4kg / 667m2, with a new increase of 97.9kg / 667m2, an increase of 3 5.8% Over the plan target 2 5.8 percentage points, a new total output of 122.881.668 million kg, exceeding the plan of 34%, a new total output value of 2 427 175 600 yuan, the new output value of 17,546.46 million yuan, the economy Benefit significantly. Of which 10 counties are poor counties. Through the implementation of the project, the popularization rate and production level of practical technologies in poor areas have been raised and the mass income and grain consumption levels have been raised. This has played a very important role in helping the poor and tackling poverty. The social benefits are obvious, In addition, through such measures as green manure ridge collection, fertilizer application and other measures, the project has promoted the combination of land use and poverty reduction in mountainous areas, improved soil fertility, and improved yields per unit area, thus creating the conditions for returning farmlands to forests and grasslands and restoring ecology in mountainous areas.
研究背景: 高血压病(essential hypertension)是我国人民患病率最高的慢性非传染性疾病之一,由高血压引起的急性或慢性靶器官损害如高血压急症、心脑血管疾病等是导致人类死
目的:通过对多发性硬化(Mutiple sclerosis,MS)和视神经脊髓炎(Neuromyelitis optica,NMO)患者行外周血全基因组DNA甲基化检测,探讨多发性硬化和视神经脊髓炎2组疾病的DNA甲