
来源 :中国考试(研究版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sil87sil
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考试作为人类有目的、有意识的一种反身评价活动,其功能既受考试自身结构的制约,也受社会客观需求的制约。在与考试外部环境交互作用中,考试功能的二重性客观存在。基础教育考试只有准确定位,注重考试结果对后继教学的导引作用;不断提高对考试认识和评价的能力,加快考试科学化进程;正确应对考试及其结果,形成良好的社会应考心理,才能切实发挥基础教育考试的育人功能。 As a purposive and conscious reflexive evaluation activity, the function of the test is not only restricted by the structure of the test itself, but also restricted by the objective needs of the society. In the interaction with the examination of the external environment, the duality of the examination objectively exists. Basic education examinations only accurate positioning, focusing on the guidance of the test results on the successor teaching; continuous improvement of the ability to recognize and assess the examination, to speed up the examination of the scientific process; the correct test of the exam and its results, to form a good psychology of social examination in order to effectively Give full play to the basic education exam function of educating people.
本文针对网络环境下企业档案信息资源整合与管理问题展开了简要的论述,仅供参考。 In this paper, a brief discussion about the integration and management of enterpris
想一想,在你每次启动、登录电子邮件帐户或Web应用程序的时候,你的计算机是否有你设定的密码保护?有密码就安全吗?世界最著名的黑客高手Kevin Mitnick在出狱后扬言,计算机密
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“TOM在线目前已经放弃了门户,这虽然可-借,但还不是一个最坏的结果。当这些重磅投资人都对这家曾经辉煌无限的公司丧失信心时,它可就真的岌岌可危了” "TOM Online has now
人类社会已进入“信息时代” ,信息技术已经并将继续渗透到中国社会发展的各个方面 ,正如江泽民总书记所说 :“四个现代化 ,哪一化也离不开信息化”。而档案是人类社会政治、
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