every other…及其他

来源 :科技英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andyower_2009
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英语中,every other…可译成每隔一……,every other day可译成每隔一天,every third day可译成每三天,也可减一,译成每隔两天。但是,并非任何时候都能译成“每隔”,也不是任何场合都要“减一”。确切地说,只有在叙述一个长 In English, every other... can be translated into every other..., every other day can be translated every other day, every third day can be translated into every three days, it can also be reduced by one, translated into every two days. However, it is not always possible to translate into “everything”, nor is it necessary to “decrease one” on any occasion. To be precise, only one long story
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