Delay-dependent Robust Stability and Stabilization Criteria for Uncertain Neutral Systems

来源 :自动化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marker1900
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This paper concerns problem of the delay-dependent robust stability and stabilizationfor uncertain neutral systems. Some new delay-dependent stability criteria are derived by takingthe relationship between the terms in the Leibniz-Newton formula into account. Free weightingmatrices are given to express the relationship between the terms in the Leibniz-Newton formula andthe new criteria are based on linear matrix inequalities such that the free weighting matrices can beeasily obtained. Moreover, the stability criteria are also used to design the state-feedback controller.Numerical examples demonstrates that the proposed criteria are e?ective and are an improvementover the previous papers. This paper concerns the problem of delay-dependent robust stability and stabilization for uncertain neutral systems. Some new delay-dependent stability criteria are derived by taking the relationship between the terms in the Leibniz-Newton formula into account. Free weighting matrices are given to express the relationship between the terms in the Leibniz-Newton formula and the new criteria are based on linear matrix inequalities such that the free weighting matrices can beeasily obtained. Moreover, the stability criteria are also used to design the state-feedback controller. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed criteria are e? ective and are an improvement over the previous papers.
1982~1984年间,用与栽培黑麦杂交难易程度不同的五个普通小麦品种(系)和三个品种间杂种F_1作母本,以栽培黑麦作父本对照,研究了普通小麦与Secale ancestrale、S.dighoricum、S
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