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大兴示范区位于京南平原,总面积121km2,1992~1993年连续干旱,地下水位在多年持续下降的情况下,又大幅度下降,严重威胁着农业生产,出现了前所未有的危机。通过对示范区1993年和1994年春灌前地下水位普查结果的分析,认为已呈现大范围埋深增大,区域间差别变小的恶化趋势,必需采取对策,缓解地下水持续下降,提出了“调整作物布局,控制菜田盲目发展;改大盘漫灌为畦灌,实行科学用水;强化用水管理;进行地下水取量开采试点,加强节水灌溉研究;充分利用汛雨和境外地表水回补地下水以及加强对地下水动态监测”等措施,对节水型农业示范区建设有重要意义,并可为全市缓解农业用水危机提供了参考。 The Daxing Demonstration Zone is located in the Jingnan Plain with a total area of ​​121km2. Continuous drought occurred between 1992 and 1993, and the groundwater level dropped significantly after many years of continuous decline. This poses a serious threat to agricultural production and unprecedented crisis has occurred. Based on the analysis of the results of census of groundwater table before spring irrigation in 1993 and 1994 in the demonstration area, it is considered that there has been a worsening tendency of large-scale buried depth and small differences among different regions. Measures must be taken to reduce the continuous decline of groundwater, Adjust the layout of crops and control the blind development of vegetable fields; change large-scale flood irrigation to irrigation, implement scientific water use; strengthen water management; carry out groundwater extraction trial to strengthen water-saving irrigation research; make full use of flood and surface water to replenish groundwater and strengthen Dynamic monitoring of groundwater "and other measures for the construction of water-saving agricultural demonstration zone is of great significance, and can provide a reference for the city to ease the crisis of agricultural water.
67.如何排除 DTC7:节气门位置传感器(TP)信号不良故障?广州本田雅阁轿车采用的节气门位置传感器为线性输出型。该传感器实际上是一个电位计,它与节气门相连接。随着节气门开
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