An Innovative Methodology of Product Design from Nature

来源 :Journal of Bionic Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyc1211
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Nature is an information sourcebook of behaviour, function, colour and shape which can inspire visual design and inven-tion. Studying the form and functional characteristics of a natural object can provide inspiration for product design and help to improve the marketability of manufactured products. The inspiration can be triggered either by direct observation or captured by three-dimensional (3D) digitising techniques to obtain superficial information (geometry and colour). An art designer often creates a concept in the form of a two-dimensional (2D) sketch while engineering methods lead to a point cloud in 3D. Each has its limitations in that the art designer commonly lacks the knowledge to build a final product from a 2D sketch and the engi-neering designer’s 3D point clouds may not be very beautiful. We propose a method for Product Design from Nature (PDN), coupling aesthetic intent and geometrical characteristics, exploring the interactions between designers and nature’s systems in PDN. We believe that this approach would considerably reduce the lead time and cost of product design from nature. Nature is an information sourcebook of behavior, function, color and shape which can inspire visual design and inven- tion. Studying the form and functional characteristics of a natural object can provide inspiration for product design and help to improve the marketability of manufactured products. inspiration can be triggered either by direct observation or captured by three-dimensional (3D) digitising techniques to obtain superficial information (geometry and color). An art designer often creates a concept in the form of a two-dimensional (2D) sketch while engineering methods has to a point cloud in 3D. Each has its limitations in that the art designer commonly lacks the knowledge to build a final product from a 2D sketch and the engi-neering designer's 3D point clouds may not be very beautiful. We propose a method for Product Design from Nature (PDN), coupling aesthetic intent and geometrical characteristics, exploring the interactions between designers and nature's syste We believe that this approach would reduce reduce the lead time and cost of product design from nature.
摘 要:在初中教学中,音乐属于一门非常重要的学科,音乐教学需要有灵活性,从而保证教学过程的生动活泼。本文从实际出发,对初中音乐课堂的教学方式进行系统分析,研究如何才能让音乐课堂“活”起来。  关键词:初中音乐课堂;教学方式;分析  初中音乐需要的是一种和谐的教学氛围,在这样的氛围下能够充分调动学生的学习兴趣,让学生愿意在音乐课堂上放松自己,表现出自身的艺术气息。音乐是培养学生综合素养的一种方式,还
摘 要:进行生命教育的目的是健全青少年的人格。生命教育是素质教育的一部分,也是心理健康教育的内容。随着社会的进步、生活水平的提高以及教育改革的不断深入,生命教育成为教育改革的重要内容。生命教育在教育改革中的地位不断提高,人们对生命教育意义的认识也不断深入。因此,本文在介绍国内生命教育的现状的同时,分析当前国内生命教育中存在的问题,并提出改善对策。  关键词:生命教育;中学生;思想品德课程  一、我