
来源 :国外选矿快报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dqwq1314
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根据中国一个铜矿山的旧尾矿的上艺矿物学性质,我们开发了利用药剂和分段浮选处理尾矿的新工艺。分段浮选,也就是首先浮选出以硫化物存在的铜,再浮选出以氧化物存在的铜。铜与其共生的金、银的回收率大幅度提高。同时,获得的尾矿经过重选和磁选可回收铁,最终的尾矿可作为地下采矿的填料。这样,再生资源就得到综合利用。在中国中南部有一座大型矿山,矿石含有丰富的铜、金、银、铁等多种金属元素。由于矿石成份复杂,再加上早期的矿物处理技术不适合分选这种矿石,导致部分有价值的金属进入尾矿,这部分尾矿就是以上所说的再生资源。中国在该铜矿旧尾矿的综合利用方面已经做了大量研究工作。然而,由于回收成本高,以及选矿指标低,以前所推荐的处理技术都没有采用。我们研究时,鉴于该再生资源的工艺矿物学特性,首先把原尾矿磨细到<200目占85%,再依次经过加入新复合药剂,采用了逐段浮选(先浮选出以硫化物存在的铜,再浮选出以氧化物存在的铜)—重选—磁选工艺。经过一系列处理工艺,获得的铜精矿含有15.4%Cu、18.5g/tAu和109g/tAg,而原尾矿中仅含0.8%Cu、0.83g/tAu、6g/tAg和22%Fe。Cu、Au、Ag的回收率依次是70.56%、79.33%、69.34%。同时,富集的铁精矿中含有55.24%的Fe,Fe的回收率达到56.68%。最终的尾矿可作为地采的填料。这样,再生资源以一种合理有效的方式被综合利用。 Based on the artistry and mineralogy of the old tailings at a copper mine in China, we have developed a new process for the treatment of tailings using pharmaceuticals and segmented flotation. Flotation, that is, first flotation of copper sulfide exists, and then flotation of copper oxide present. Copper and symbiotic gold, silver recovery rate increased significantly. At the same time, the obtained tailings are re-selected and magnetic separation recyclable iron, the final tailings can be used as a filler for underground mining. In this way, renewable resources will be comprehensive utilization. In central and southern China there is a large-scale mine, the ore is rich in copper, gold, silver, iron and other metal elements. Due to the complex composition of the ore, coupled with the early mineral processing technology is not suitable for sorting the ore, resulting in part of the valuable metals into the tailings, this part of the tailings is the above-mentioned renewable resources. China has done a great deal of research work on the comprehensive utilization of the old tailings of the copper mine. However, none of the previously recommended treatment technologies were used due to the high recovery costs and low beneficiation targets. In our study, given the technological mineralogical character of this reclaimed resource, the original tailings were first ground to <200 mesh and accounted for 85%, followed by the addition of a new composite agent, followed by flotation (flotation first with sulfide Copper present, and then flotation of copper in the presence of oxides) - re-election - magnetic separation process. The copper concentrate obtained contained 15.4% Cu, 18.5 g / t Au and 109 g / t Ag after a series of treatment processes whereas the original tailings contained only 0.8% Cu, 0.83 g / t Au, 6 g / t Ag and 22% Fe. The recoveries of Cu, Au and Ag were 70.56%, 79.33% and 69.34%, respectively. At the same time, the enrichment of iron concentrate contains 55.24% Fe, Fe recovery rate reached 56.68%. The final tailings can be used as a ground filling. In this way, renewable resources in a reasonable and effective way to be comprehensive utilization.
【摘要】如何做好班主任工作,是现今学校德育工作的一个永恒话题。班主任工作复杂、艰辛、繁忙,需要耐心、细致、认真、负责地付出心血和劳动。然而,精心的劳作、辛劳的汗水  换来的结果却常常事倍功半,收效甚微,甚至事与愿违。笔者结合自己多年的班主任工作实践,认为班主任工作重在落实,贵在坚持  【关键词】班主任 落实 坚持  常言道,有什么样的班主任就会带出什么样的学生,就会有什么样的班集体。从这一句平凡的
【摘要】在语文课堂教学中要激活学生的思维,才能充分调动学生的积极性,增强学习的主体意识,让学生主动参与教学活动,真正成为学习的主人,从而提高学习的效果。笔者认为以下几点是在语文课堂教学中激活学生思维非常重要的方面:要增强学生主体意识,要尽可能激发学生学习兴趣,要想方设法增加幽默与机智,要善于创设情景,要善于激疑促思,要培养学生创造性的思维意识和方法。  【关键词】课堂教学 激活思维  十余年从教生