
来源 :稀有金属合金加工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhbin2yhbing
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建国以来,我国的稀有金属冶金工业得到蓬勃发展。从无到有地建立起自己的锆冶金和加工工业。我国的锆资源十分丰富,近年来锆材生产不但能充分满足原子能工业的需要,而且还有充分余地生产工业民用锆材,以满足冶金、石油、染化、化肥、农药、化工等行业对新型材料的需要。锆材具有优异的化学,机械和加工性能。在某些腐蚀介质中有良好的抗蚀性,如在某些酸、碱、盐溶液中是惰性的,对非氧化性酸的抗蚀性显著优于钛。在100℃以下它 Since the founding of the People’s Republic, China’s rare metal and metallurgy industry has been booming. From scratch to establish their own zirconium metallurgy and processing industry. China’s zirconium resources are very rich. In recent years, zirconium production can not only fully meet the needs of the atomic energy industry, but there is still sufficient room for the production of industrial zirconium for metallurgy, petroleum, dyeing, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and chemical industries. Material needs. Zirconium has excellent chemical, mechanical and processing properties. In some corrosive media have good corrosion resistance, such as in some acid, alkali, salt solution is inert, non-oxidizing acid corrosion resistance is significantly better than titanium. It below 100 ℃
Background Prior estimates of lifetime risk (LTR) for cardiovascular disease (CVD) examined the impact of blood pressure (BP) at the index age and did not accou
一、把握气候 由于天冷,出行不宜过早,一般在上午10时左右到晚4时前收竿,因冬季午时是垂钓的最佳时机,早晚天冷鱼基本上不吃食。另外,注意收听天气预报,最好选晴天,温差不宜
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Background Renal sympathetic denervation is a promising technique for the treatment of resistant hypertension. We evaluated a novel method for chemical sympathe