The Glass Transition Temperature and Liquid1-Liquid2 Relaxation of Star-Shaped Polystyrene

来源 :Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:missjiro
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The glass transition temperature T and relaxation temperature T11 of a series of regular star-shaped polystyrenes were measured by using torsional braid analyzer(TEA) and linear dilatometer.The results showed that Tg for star-shaped polymer increases with increas-ing branching degree whan the molecular weights of branch chains arethe same,but it is lower than that of linear polystyrene with the same molecular weight.The liquid 1iquid relaxation temperature T11 and the intensity of loss peak of star polystyrene also depend on branching degree.Two-Tg transitions in star polystyrenes with DVB microgel nodule were proved by comparing two types of star polystyrenes. The glass transition temperature T and relaxation temperature T11 of a series of regular star-shaped polystyrenes were measured by using torsional braid analyzer (TEA) and linear dilatometer. The results showed that Tg for star-shaped polymer increases with increas-ing branching degree whan the molecular weights of branch chains are the same, but it is lower than that of linear polystyrene with the same molecular weight. The liquid 1iquid relaxation temperature T11 and the intensity of loss peak of star polystyrene also depend on branching degree. Two-Tg transitions in star polystyrenes with DVB microgel nodule were proved by comparing two types of star polystyrenes.
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