Continual Education is the Motivation of Sustainable Development of a Telecom Enterprise

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jf8410
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The continuous investment into manpower resource, is the radical power to assure the sustainable development of enterprises. The enterprises both at home and abroad attach high importance to the continuous education of their employees and consolidate training to inspire their employees. In order to face increasingly drastic global competition, the telecom enterprises in our country should consolidate continuous education, make training plans to adapt to the long term development of the enterprises and establish the effective mechanism of encouragement of continuous education. The continuous investment into manpower resource, is the radical power to assure the sustainable development of enterprises. The enterprises both at home and abroad attach high importance to the continuous education of their employees and consolidate training to inspire their employees. In order to face increasing drastic global competition, the telecom enterprises in our country should consolidate continuous education, make training plans to adapt to the long term development of the enterprises and establish the effective mechanism of encouragement of continuous education.
测定体外巨噬细胞(吞噬百分率)、T 淋巴细胞、免疫球蛋白等方法可观察肺结核病人的免疫功能及结核病转归与细胞免疫的关系。本文测定145例的结果及相关敏感性比较如下:一般