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闵军拿着两张百元钞票,啪啪地把自己摊位里的衣裤拍打一遍,一边喜滋滋地嚷嚷,开张了,开张了,拉开腰间的包把钱装进去。每天开门后的第一笔生意,都要让自己铺位里的货物都沾上财气。这习惯应是由南方传来的,什么敬财神上香之类规矩没一样是这个西北城市自身拥有的。西北有什么?一千年前是沙漠,一百年前是荒滩,五十年前来自全国各地的热血青年才让它慢慢地有了生气。 Minjun took two hundred dollar bills, patted himself in the booth pants patted again while the sidewalks shouting, opened, opened, opened the waist of the bag to put the money into it. Open the door every day after the first business, have to let their own shop in the goods are stained with gas. This habit should come from the South, what kind of King God worship incense and the like are not the same as the Northwest city itself has. What is it in the northwest? A thousand years ago it was a desert. A hundred years ago it was a wasteland. Only half a century ago the warm-blooded youth from all over the country made it slowly angry.
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