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也许我长大了,烦恼也随着增多了?也许父母老了,不能理解我?总之,不知不觉中我与父母间竟有了一层隔膜。“考得怎么样?”爸爸板着脸问。“没什么长进!”我小心翼翼地吐出了几个字,声音压得很低。 Maybe I grew up, and my worries increased. Maybe my parents were old and couldn’t understand me? In short, unconsciously, I had a layer of separation from my parents. “How was it?” Dad asked with a face. “No progress!” I spit out a few words cautiously, and the sound was very low.
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从几个方面关于中美文化的差别与价值做了比较.发掘中美文化中的差别是很有价值的。 The difference and value of Sino-U.S. Culture have been compared in several aspec
随着三位搭乘“神七”宇宙飞船飞天的航天员——翟志刚、刘伯明、景海鹏顺利返回地面,三名航天英雄的履历、事迹、人生轨迹,也成为了大家关注的热点。 As the three astrona
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